
大家知道剛成為英國王妃的梅根‧馬克爾 (Meghan Markle) 平時最愛吃什麼嗎?《Buzz Feed》整理了17個梅根平時最喜歡的食物,大家快來看看新王妃平時的飲食習慣吧~ 1. 在拍攝《無照律師》時,梅根的早餐是香蕉加龍舌蘭糖漿的麥片。 廣告1   2. 她一周會有幾天堅持純

May 28, 2018

大家知道剛成為英國王妃的梅根‧馬克爾 (Meghan Markle) 平時最愛吃什麼嗎?《Buzz Feed》整理了17個梅根平時最喜歡的食物,大家快來看看新王妃平時的飲食習慣吧~

1. 在拍攝《無照律師》時,梅根的早餐是香蕉加龍舌蘭糖漿的麥片。

Along with a mug of hot water with lemon.


2. 她一周會有幾天堅持純素飲食。

But she says she allows herself a little more flexibility on the weekends.


3. 她最喜歡的食物是紅酒和炸薯條。

Her favorite red is Tignanello, though she's also a fan of Argentinian Malbecs, French Cabernets, and Pinot Noirs from Oregon.


4. 她最喜歡的酒是Tignanello,她甚至用這來命名她的部落格。

While active, The Tig published content related to food, travel, fashion, and social issues.


5. 哈利王子跟她求婚時,她正在做燒雞。

"If you have an Ina Garten-level roasted-chicken recipe, it's a game changer," Markle told Good Housekeeping. And indeed it was, at least on this occasion. Get the recipe for a roast chicken here.


6. 她將咖啡換成蔬菜汁,尤其在下午茶時。

Her favorite juicing ingredients? Apple, kale, spinach, lemon and ginger.


7. 梅根最喜歡的健康小點是杏仁奶油餅、杏仁、蔬菜汁及切片水果。

*Orders a gallon jar of almonds*


8. 她是炸魚玉米餅的粉絲,尤其是新鮮玉米烤鮭魚炸玉米餅。

Born and raised in Los Angeles, Meghan once said that few things make her happier than a few bites of a good fish taco. We're thinking her list of joys have probably changed by now, but fish tacos have gotta rank high on that list still, right?


9. 她曾在泰國吃過「改變人生」的菜餚。

She told Delish: "I took a bite and said, 'oh my God, what have I been eating all my life? This is what Pad Thai's supposed to taste like?'"


10. 她的生活方式是「生活可以利用瑜伽、沙灘或酪梨來療癒」。

Hard agree.


11. 她喜歡用「comida (西班牙語中的食物)」來稱她的食物寶寶。

It means 'food' in Spanish. (I've named mine "Tomasso." Can our food babies be friends, Meghan?)


12. 她最喜歡的療癒餐之一是一種慢燉的菲式燴雞扒。

She cooks it with garlic, soy, lemon, and vinegar until the chicken "falls off the bone." Get a recipe for slow-cooked chicken adobo here.


13. 梅根超愛粉紅酒。

"In the summer, when I'm out with my friends, it's rosé all day," she's said.


14. 她的點心之一是西瓜佐肉桂粉。

Meghan says the cinnamon "elevates the flavor."


15. 她的首選義大利麵食譜是慢燉的西葫蘆醬汁義大利麵。

The sauce is made creamy through a slow-cooking process that breaks the summer squash down into a buttery texture. Get the recipe here.


16. 身為皇室,梅根現在必須避免貝殼類食物及生肉避免食物中毒。

According to The Sun, a “rule prevents the queen and other royals from eating foods like mussels and rare steak when dining out.”


17. 小時候,梅根在《寶貝家庭》影集中發現了她對食物的愛,當時她爸爸在片場當打光師。





參考資料:Buzz Feed


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