30+個家庭清潔終極指南 骯髒微波爐靠「檸檬片+水」搞定!

怎麼掃都還覺得不乾淨嗎?國外媒體《BuzzFeed》在這裡提供了42個「家庭清潔終極指南」,讓看過的你,輕鬆掃家裡都能亮晶晶~   廚房篇 廣告1   1. 用微波爐將濕的海綿加熱一分鐘,可以殺死99.9%的細菌。   2. 每天都要記得晾乾海綿,無論用什麼方法。 廣

June 11, 2018


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1. 用微波爐將濕的海綿加熱一分鐘,可以殺死99.9%的細菌。

Both the USDA and Good Housekeeping found this actually works; try to do it at least once a week, if not every three days or so. And if you heard that microwaving doesn't help, well — all those news reports were inaccurate.(It's also essentially equally effective to run your sponge through the dishwasher, on the top rack, with the heat-dry setting, if you prefer to do that instead.)


2. 每天都要記得晾乾海綿,無論用什麼方法。





3. 礦物油可以擦掉抽油煙機和其他電器上積聚的油污。

Just put a little bit oil on a paper towel, and wipe; it'll come off like a charm! If you don't like the oily residue, just use water and dish soap to clean that right up. (You can also use olive oil for this, but if you do, definitely wash it off; otherwise it might go rancid and smell bad.) From One Good Thing By Jillee.
只需在紙巾上抹一點油,然後擦拭,馬上就能見效! 如果你不喜歡油性殘留物,也可使用水和肥皂清潔即可。 (你也可以使用橄欖油,但一定要洗乾淨,否則橄欖油可能會腐敗及產生味道。)


4. 將水及拋光清潔劑混合在一起,可以去除瓦斯爐上的黏漬。




5. 一點點的氨水可以讓你的油膩的爐子發亮。

You simply seal them up in a plastic bag and let it do its work — just don't mix ammonia with any other cleaner, and do read the tutorial on The V Spot before you try this at home.


6. 自製的洗潔精:小蘇打和水的混合物是你清潔烤箱內污漬的唯一方法。

You'll still have to use a *little* bit of elbow grease, but really the dish soap's gonna do most of the work for you. From Ask Anna Moseley.


7. 但是如果你的烤箱很髒的話,可能還是需要噴灑清潔劑,並放置40分鐘。



8. 用泡過醋的紙巾包裹生鏽的水龍頭可以溶解一些生鏽物質。




9. 將裝滿醋的塑教袋綁在水龍頭上也能消除生鏽。

From Two Twenty One, who uses CLR (aka Calcium, Lime, Rust). Get two 28-oz bottles of CLR from Amazon for $16.99.


10. 洗完碗盤後,定期用洗碗精加熱水清洗你的水槽。

And rinse it out with hot water when you're done.


11. 利用清潔粉末並用超潔拭淨布擦拭你的水槽。

On The Kitchn, they do this about once a month. Get a set of 24 microfiber cloths on Amazon for $11.99.


12. 軟性清潔劑是清掉瓷器水槽水漬的最好方式。

This is Barkeeper's Friend too, but already in a paste form (versus the powder form you can make into a paste yourself). Get two 13-oz bottles on Amazon for $8.20, or one 26-oz bottle from Target for $2.49 or Walmart for $2.47.(You can also try baking soda + hydrogen peroxide, but that might take a little more elbow grease.)


13. 用鹽和檸檬擦洗木製砧板,然後再用食用油擦拭。



14. 檢查你的冰箱、食品櫃和任何儲存食物的地方,丟掉任何已過期的東西。

Read more about the differences between use-by, best-buy, and sell-by dates on Women's Health.


15. 然後清洗冰箱的層架、抽屜和其他可拆卸物件,再用熱水加肥皂清洗。

You can also use soapy water to wipe out the inside, doors, and seals on your refrigerator and freezer; just make sure to rinse well. The full tutorial's on Martha Stewart.


16. 使用活性炭的除臭劑,可以消除冰箱的氣味。

You can hang it on a hook or just set it on your shelf. Get it from Amazon for $8.49.


17. 利用蒸汽清潔你的微波爐:將一個盛滿水和檸檬片的碗加熱五分鐘,然後不要打開門讓它靜置五分鐘,之後卡住的污垢都可以輕鬆用紙巾擦拭。



18. 用碧麗珠塗抹在冰箱外面可讓冰箱變亮。

This is what I do for my stainless, and it works like a charm; just clean off any big pieces of gunk, first. From The DIY Girl. Get a can of Pledge on Amazon for $4.23, Target for $4.19, or Walmart for $4.23.




19. 在蓮蓬頭上包著裝醋的帶子,可以溶解生鏽。

Leave it anywhere from a couple hours to overnight, then remove and voila! To get the bubbles, add in a dash of baking soda. I've had it work well both with the combo and with just plain vinegar, some people swear the bubbling reaction loosens the particles more quickly. Others note that, once the reaction's over and the bubbles stop, the vinegar just be water with a bit of salt; but you do you.


20. 用軟性清潔劑就可以輕鬆清潔你的浴缸。

From They Are Crafty, who used (can you guess?) Barkeeper's Friend, aka BKF. Get two 13-oz bottles on Amazon for $8.20, or one 26-oz bottle from Target for $2.49 or Walmart for $2.47.


21. 也能消除淋浴間玻璃上的水痕。




22. 將你的浴簾與乾淨的毛巾進洗衣機一起洗,可以清掉浴簾上的髒污。

And wash your shower curtain itself, separately and according to the directions on the tag. While you're at it, throw in your bath mats, and change out your towels. Freshen everything! Bitz 'n' Giggles has the step-by-step for washing a shower curtain liner.


23. 使用「Iron out」清潔劑就可以讓你的浴室清潔溜溜。

亞馬遜上 $4.97.




24. 可以用浮石來清潔馬桶上的髒污。



25. 當你擦洗你的馬桶時,一定要把水噴射到邊緣以下,如果有生鏽,可以考慮先用醋浸泡一夜。




26. 不要忘記用清潔劑或清潔擦拭布擦式馬桶外圍,每隔一段時間,記得拆下馬桶座,清洗角落和裂縫。

From Ask Anna Moseley.


27. 用排塵刷將排氣扇外部的灰塵吸乾淨,然後拿下蓋子,用肥皂和水清洗。



28. 用醋浸泡的紙巾包住水龍頭,之後便能擦去生鏽部分。

Yep, it works in the bathroom, too. From Cute As A Fox.


29. 使用簡單的排水疏通管清除浴缸或水槽排水孔的汙垢。



30. 利用手肘潤滑油可以清除水泥地上的汙垢。




31. 一樣檢查你的衛浴用品,請將過期的產品丟棄。



32. 然後清潔劑簡單地噴灑你的鏡子,水槽,並將它們擦拭乾淨。

You can make your own spray cleaner by mixing one part dish soap with one part warm vinegar (full directions from Goodful); or mix an all-purpose cleaner from a concentrate like Simple Green ($38.26 for two gallons) or Mrs. Meyers ($13.99 for 64 oz), both on Amazon. Been sick recently? Try a disinfectant spray like Purell ($12.99 for two bottles on Amazon).And yes, you can substitute a glass cleaner for your mirror, if you prefer!




33. 用不要的枕頭套擦拭吊扇。

You'll capture all the dust inside the case, so you can go dump it outside or in the trash. And then wash the case, of course. From Homemaker Chic.


34. 將超細纖維清潔布綁在夾子上,以便清除窗簾上的灰塵。

From One Crazy House. Get a pack of 24 microfiber cleaning cloths on Amazon for $11.99.


35. 用超潔拭淨布的產品清掉所有地方的灰塵。



36. 利用熱水清洗你的枕頭套,可以洗掉每天晚上睡覺留下的汗水、皮膚細胞、口水。

You only need to do it every few months, but it makes a difference! Get the how-to from The Happier Homemaker.


37. 利用小蘇打粉清潔床墊。



38. 你可以使用地毯污漬去除劑和地毯清洗劑清除床墊上的汙漬。

Get a jug of the stain remover for $19.97 and a carpet washer with more than seven thousand five-star reviews for $105, both on Amazon. And because you're wondering: it's a coffee stain. You can also try to bleach them out using hydrogen peroxide; that may not remove more than the surface stains, though. Get a how-to here.


39. 用洗碗機清洗房屋的各種塑膠、玻璃和金屬,像是燈罩、通風罩、過濾器。

From One Crazy House. You could even clean all of your vent covers at once.


40. 如果你有棉拖把,用左右晃的方法清洗瓷磚或油氈地板。



41. 使用舊橡皮刮板跟水,可以輕鬆清潔沙發、家具以及任何布料上的寵物毛髮。

Just spritz once or twice, squeegee, and watch it clump up. From CareaBearaSara. Get a highly-rated squeegee on Amazon for $6.99.


42. 然後拿一把大刮刀清除卡在地毯中的毛髮。






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