11個梅根麻雀變鳳凰後「不能做的禁忌」 連自拍都不行!

梅根‧馬克爾 (Meghan Markle) 婚前是一名模特兒及演員,曾與崔佛·英格森 (Trevor Engelson) 有一段兩年的婚姻。2016梅根與哈利王子交往。2017年11月宣布訂婚,並於2018年5月19日在溫莎城堡舉行婚禮。而成為王妃的梅根從此的生活將會大大改變,有許多事情她再也不能做了

May 23, 2018

梅根‧馬克爾 (Meghan Markle) 婚前是一名模特兒及演員,曾與崔佛·英格森 (Trevor Engelson) 有一段兩年的婚姻。2016梅根與哈利王子交往。2017年11月宣布訂婚,並於2018年5月19日在溫莎城堡舉行婚禮。而成為王妃的梅根從此的生活將會大大改變,有許多事情她再也不能做了!現在就來看看梅根必須要遵守哪些禁忌吧~

1. 自拍。

Apparently, the Queen herself is not a fan of selfies and looks down on the whole idea, according to the Mirror.


2. 自己去逛街,或自己外出做任何事。

According to OK!, Meghan will have an all-female security team around her while she's out or performing royal duties.


3. 擁有個人的社交媒體。

A few months before the royal wedding, Meghan closed all of her own social media accounts. But, according to ABC, Meghan, who was once very active on social media, had started to scale back her social media presence soon after her relationship with Harry became serious.


4. 在英國選舉中投票。

The UK Parliament website says that, although it’s not against the law in Britain for royalty to vote, it is believed to be unconstitutional. Markle, who will not become a British citizen for a number of years, will also not be allowed to speak out on politics or social issues.


5. 擦指甲油。

Apparently, the Queen is very picky about nail polish and prefers more delicate tones and translucent shades. According to Glamour, she has been wearing neutral shades since Harry proposed.


6. 幫人簽名。(梅根馬克爾與哈利王子參訪卡地夫城堡時,她幫一位10歲的凱特琳 (Caitlin Clarke) 簽名)

Meghan will not be able to sign autographs because it runs the risk of her signature getting forged.


7. 在女王之前睡覺。

When Meghan and the Queen are staying in the same place, she will have to wait until the Queen goes to bed before she can go to sleep. It is "thought to be bad form."


8. 穿短裙。

Short dresses, short shorts and anything considered revealing are now banned for Meghan. In fact, she has been dressing much more conservatively ever since her engagement to Harry.


9. 公開場合露腿。


10. 繼續當演員。

Markle, who starred in Suits for seven years, announced last November in an interview with Hello! Canada that she is foregoing her career saying, "I just see it as a change… It's a new chapter, right?"


11. 翹腳。

According to the Sun, ladies are to sit with the ankles crossed or knees together to avoid any exposure of the crotch area. This is known as the Duchess Slant.





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