
1. 將金色波音軟片貼在MALM抽屜櫃間隙,看起來更加高級。   2. 將SANNING麵包碟用熱熔膠黏在ERSÄTTA燭台上,就變成優雅的水果盤! 廣告1   3. 單買HILVER桌面後用ALEX抽屜櫃當支架,就能完成超方便收納的書桌!   4. 或是把兩張HILVER桌面用FINNVARD腳架支撐。 廣告2  

March 3, 2017

1. 將金色波音軟片貼在MALM抽屜櫃間隙,看起來更加高級。

Gild your Malm dresser with gold contact paper.


2. 將SANNING麵包碟用熱熔膠黏在ERSÄTTA燭台上,就變成優雅的水果盤!

Hot-glue a Sanning plate on top of a Blomster candlestick for a lovely cake stand (or a fruit stand, if you're weird like that).


3. 單買HILVER桌面後用ALEX抽屜櫃當支架,就能完成超方便收納的書桌!

Unite the Hilver tabletop with the Alex drawers for an inspirational work desk and tons of storage space.


4. 或是把兩張HILVER桌面FINNVARD腳架支撐。

Or stack two Hilver table tops on a few Finnvard trestles if you work better together.


5. 你可以用噴漆美化典型的LACK邊桌

Colorblock your Lack side table with spray paint.


6. 將TINGBY邊桌變成遊戲桌。

Turn a Tingby into a game table.


7. 如果床邊空間不夠了,可以把MOSSLANDA畫框壁架釘在牆上。

Hang a Mosslanda picture ledge if you don't have room for a nightstand.


8. 把HULTET花缽變成燈罩!

Refashion a Hultet bowl into a suave little lampshade.


9. 將FJELLSE床框變成充滿高級感的床框。

Turn your Fjellse into something you can actually pronounce: an upholstered bed frame.


10. 或是在床頭釘木板來增加質感。


11. 用VARIERA塑膠袋收納筒放你的清潔用品。

Store a variety of cleaning supplies in your Variera plastic bag holder.


12. 在RIBBA相框的內側漆上不同顏色,讓色彩更鮮明。

Paint the ribs of these Ribba frames for a light pop of color.


13. 幫你的VITTSJÖ子母桌上一層漆及黏金色波音軟片。

Make your Vittsjö victorious with a coat of paint and a layer of contact paper.


14. 在BESTÅ櫃框上黏一塊木板。

Attach a wood panel to the top of a cabinet to make your Bestå look its best.


15. 創意漆你的BEKVÄM墊腳凳

Stain your trusty Bekväm stool to give it an extra leg up.


16. 將BALUNGEN毛巾桿黏在放廚具的櫃子門上,就不缺放鍋蓋的地方了。

Attach a Balungen rail so you never need to hunt for the right lid again.


17. 用LACK層板將你的螢幕墊高。

Elevate your computer for a highly necessary ergonomic upgrade with a Lack shelf and the Lansa handles.


18. 將LACK咖啡桌的桌腳整個換掉吧!

Ditch the stubby legs on your Lack coffee table for a set of these bad boys.


19. 在PLASTIS製冰盒中裝吉利丁、沐浴乳跟香皂染色劑,做成超棒的泡澡球。

Fill Plastis ice cube trays with gelatin, body wash, and soap dye to make pretty shower jellies.


20. 在KURA翻轉式兒童床的側邊黏壁紙。

Wallpaper the panels of your kid's Kura bed.


21. 將數個KNAGGLIG儲物盒黏在一起,做成書架。

Glue together a few Knagglig crates for a cheap bookshelf.


22. 在BEKVÄM廚房推車側邊黏個毛巾架。

Attach a towel rack to the side of your Bekväm kitchen cart.


23. 將BITTERGURKA懸吊式花盆變成放尿布的好地方。

Hang a Bittergurka hanging planter as a diaper caddy.


24. 幫你的OSTED平織地毯漆上獨一無二的圖案。

Liven up an Osted rug with a patterned coat of paint.


25. 幫TOFTBO浴室腳踏墊染色。

Dye a Toftbo bathmat to add a splash of color.


26. 用紙膠帶做出專屬於你的VÄCKIS鬧鐘

Personalize your Väckis alarm clock with washi tape.


27. 可以這樣釘你的EKBY ALEX 抽屜式層架

Use an Ekby shelf as an excellent vanity.


28. 把LURÖY床底板條垂直黏在牆上,就可以掛大衣。

Hang your Luröy bed slats vertically for a coat rack that accommodates all sizes.


29. 把VÅGSBERG / SPORREN旋轉椅包上你最愛的圖案。

Cover a Vågsberg chair in your favorite fabric so that your legs aren't sticking to plastic.


30. 用陶瓷彩繪筆畫IKEA 365+碗

Draw patterns on 365+ bowls with porcelain paint pens.


31. 將FADO桌燈變得超可愛。

Turn a Fado lamp into your snuggliest buddy.


32. 用噴漆改造TRAMPA門墊


33. 用波音軟片讓MAMMUT兒童椅凳大升級。

Level up by making toadstools with the Mammut and contact paper.



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