
1.  這名7歲的小男孩Griffin Steele在南卡羅來納州的Myrtle Beach加油站找到了一包「垃圾」後,就被當地的人稱為「小英雄」!   他是如何找到這一大袋寶藏的呢?他跟著爸爸在加油站的時候,在地上看到了有紅墨水的$20美金鈔票,他覺得不對勁,所以拿去給爸爸看。  

February 4, 2017

1.  這名7歲的小男孩Griffin Steele在南卡羅來納州的Myrtle Beach加油站找到了一包「垃圾」後,就被當地的人稱為「小英雄」!

A 7-year-old boy is being hailed as a hero after finding a bag of stolen cash at a Myrtle Beach gas station. 

Griffin Steele, 7, was at the gas station with his father when he spotted a $20 bill splattered with red ink on the ground. 

He showed it to his dad, who agreed there was something odd about the find. 

Later, when Griffin went to throw away the wrapper to his Gatorade bottle, he saw that the trash can was full of money.




2. 爸爸看到後也覺得有點怪怪的但沒有想太多,但Griffin去垃圾桶丟飲料罐時,才發現垃圾桶裡面滿滿的鈔票!

Turns out a nearby bank had been robbed just an hour earlier. It didn't take long for police to track down Brian Humphreys Jr., who not only forgot about dye packs, but masks too.




3. 之後他們才發現,這些錢原來是一名強匪Brian Humphreys稍早搶來的錢,警察後來抓到了他,因為這個笨賊搶銀行的時候沒有把臉給蒙住。




Shouts to Griffin. Out there solving the real mysteries when most kids his age are trying to figure out who farted or who wiped their boogers on the wall or why their pants felt tighter when Miss Rosenbaum taught them how to do jumping jacks. The kid's a future crime fighter in the making. Show 'em, Griff.


5. 感覺這個小男孩也太聰明了,如果我在那年紀,能幫自己擦屁屁就不錯了,更不會發現有紅墨水的鈔票有什麼不對勁!

來源:Inside Edition

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分類:台灣, 世界
加入粉絲團! 小男生在加油站地上看到了沾紅墨水的鈔票,去垃圾桶驚嚇「看到塞滿了鈔票」!留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友