
1. 這個傢伙在雨中洗車。   2. 看看那兩個無辜的檸檬…作這個「檸檬水」的人真是天才。 廣告1   3. 難道這件襯衫要這樣穿?現在的時裝越來越神了!   4. 嶄新的剃須方法。 廣告2   5. 這個調酒師應該要重讀。   蘭姆酒和可樂:可樂和伏特加。呃…這自由古巴怪

January 29, 2017

1. 這個傢伙在雨中洗車。

This dude who's actually washing his car in THE RAIN.


2. 看看那兩個無辜的檸檬…作這個「檸檬水」的人真是天才。

The connoisseur behind this "lemon water" masterpiece.


3. 難道這件襯衫要這樣穿?現在的時裝越來越神了!

The sales clerk who just said "fuck it" while putting this display together.


4. 嶄新的剃須方法。

This guy who's about to discover how tedious shaving can really be.


5. 這個調酒師應該要重讀。

This bar owner who maybe needs to go back to bartending school.


6. 只有神可以用的設計。

The person who installed these handrails and who is also probably planning on setting the building on fire.


7. 這個人想電死自己?

This person who apparently has a deep desire for someone to electrocute themselves.


8. 製造這個月曆的人是時候放假了…

This calendar maker who REALLY wanted a three-day weekend.


9. 不可以關上窗子?


10. 他可以獲得「世界上最懶的人」的獎項。

This person who's going after the "laziest human in the world" award.


11. 製作這個椅子的人沒有照著指引?

This chair maker who opted to not follow directions.


12. 吵架了?

Whoever the heck put this sofa together.


13. 是配料不夠?

This sandwich artist who went just a touch too heavy on the bread.


14. 這是什麼益智鎖嗎?

This cyclist who made things so much harder for themselves than they needed to.


15. 雜誌送遞員OS:「F*CK!」

The magazine delivery person who thought, Fuck it.


16. 這個鎖的意義是?

The person who will immediately regret making this decision.


17. 下面的牌子應該是想要做出每一句都跟前面的字母有關吧…

And finally, this person who doesn't QUITE have a grasp on acronyms.

來源 : Buzzfeed


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