
 1. 2011年,克莉絲蒂 (Kristi Loyall) 因為罹患癌症,害她不得不面臨截肢的命運。後來她取得了醫師的許可,把她的右腳留作紀念。   Makeshift hairbrush #amputee #skeleton #foot #cancersucks cancer foot(@onefootwander)張貼的相片 於 2016 年 10月 月 12 4:22下

January 11, 2017

 1. 2011年,克莉絲蒂 (Kristi Loyall) 因為罹患癌症,害她不得不面臨截肢的命運。後來她取得了醫師的許可,把她的右腳留作紀念。


Makeshift hairbrush #amputee #skeleton #foot #cancersucks

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2. 接著克莉絲蒂想到一個超酷的點子,她決定辦一個IG帳號,來紀錄她與她的右腳的點點滴滴。 


Reunited and it feels so good #reunited #amputee

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3. 主要就是「帶著」她的右腳到處旅行。


#footzilla vs #windmill #amputee #skeleton #foot #funnybone #cancer #epithelioidsarcoma #cancersucks #fuckcancer

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4. 克莉絲蒂靠著渾然天成的幽默感,不只擊敗了癌症,也欣然接受了截肢的人生。


Boner #amputee #skeleton #foot #cancersucks #fuckcancer

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This may come as a surprise, but… #imafallrisk #amputee #skeleton #foot #funnybone #cancer #epithelioidsarcoma #cancersucks

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Getting some exercise #amputee #skeleton #foot

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 7. 除此之外,克莉絲蒂也希望能讓人們注意到癌症患者所面臨的每一天,以及癌症所帶來的副作用。


Great to meet you today @tmliou #amputee #skeleton #foot #funnybone #cancersucks #news9 #mydogsarefamous

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 8. 克莉絲蒂也在「Gofundme」上分享了自己與上皮狀肉瘤的奮鬥歷程,以及截肢所帶來的影響。


Scared this kid so bad he passed out #amputee #skeleton #foot #baby

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This is too much ??? I love my job #amputee #skeleton #foot #cancersucks #watertaxi #okc #oklahomacity #oklahoma #bricktown

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 10. 克莉絲蒂向大家證明了,即使現在她的右腳已經不再她的身上,但她的右腳象徵著她戰勝癌症的最棒證據!


She has a foot fetish.. Some of you mentioned the gofundme needed to be update or something was going on with it. That should be fixed now. My roommate is going to post a new update to it soon so that you can read a little more about what’s going on with me and everything. The link is in my bio. I understand it’s almost Christmas and money is tight for everyone. Please don’t take money away from you or your family to donate. Just if you have extra and want to help. I don’t want anyone to have to go without because of me. It’s funny because all of my life I’ve always thought I was pretty poor. Now I realize that was never the case. I always had enough to pay everything I needed to. I wish that was still true, but believe me, I’m working on it. Thanks again guys. If you have any questions or concerns about anything feel free to comment or dm me. #amputee #skeleton #foot

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分類:台灣, 世界
加入粉絲團! 癌症生存者帶著她的「截肢右腳」到處旅行,10張「搞笑右腳自拍照」證明她就是最勇敢的戰士!留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友