
 川普的勝出令不少精英和自由派都非常的恐慌,新保守主義者甚至稱之為「西方的終結」,但事實真的是如此嗎?英國作家及歷史學家Michael Burleigh似乎有著不一樣的看法,他認為這是終結了考慮不周的海外干預和15年不停斷的戰爭。   他認為,首先是俄羅斯方面,普丁馬上祝

November 10, 2016

 川普的勝出令不少精英和自由派都非常的恐慌,新保守主義者甚至稱之為「西方的終結」,但事實真的是如此嗎?英國作家及歷史學家Michael Burleigh似乎有著不一樣的看法,他認為這是終結了考慮不周的海外干預和15年不停斷的戰爭。

Grand deal: Russian president Putin was one of the first world leader's to congratulate Donald Trump in a telegram sent to Washington that described 'his hope to work together for removing Russian-American relations from their crisis state'



Frosty: Russian President Vladimir Putin has spoken today of the 'crisis' state of US-Russian relations, illustrated by the body language in this pictured of the leader with President Barack Obama at the G20 Leaders Summit in Hangzhou in September



Intimidation: A Russian aircraft carrier, Admiral Kuznetsov, is part of the Russian military buildup that has convinced Nato to put 300,000 troops on alert. It was seen passing within a few miles of Dover on its way to reinforce the attack on the besieged city of Aleppo in Syria



Devastastion:  Syrian pro-government forces were pictured driving past heavily damaged buildings in Aleppo's 1070 district yesterday after troops seized it from rebel fighters. Trump's election may empower Putin to continue his bombardment of the city 



Escape: Syrian children flee from a bombsite after the Russian army attacked the opposition controlled Firdevs neighborhood in Aleppo, Syria last month. Trump's victory is likely to hasten the recapture of Aleppo by Assad, Michael Burleigh suggests



Victims: Heartbroken Syrian rescuers hold the body of a girl after pulling her from rubble of a building following a government forces air strike in the rebel-held neighbourhood of Al-Shaar in Aleppo in September. Trump's triumph is likely to have repercussions for the civilians of Aleppo



Defending the realm: British defence chiefs sent destroyer HMS Duncan, pictured, from Portsmouth to monitor Russian warships as they sailed towards the North Sea



Alliance fractured: NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, pictured, will find that Trump is not convinced that the US should fund 70 per cent of the organisation's military budget
Russian power: President Putin sent a fleet to Syria via the Channel, including Severomorsk 619, pictured above, which was seen cruising past the White cliffs of Dover in an image captured by BBC News



Nato is believed to have put 300,000 troops on alert as Russian masses its own forces amid simmering tensions 



Distant: China and Britain's relationship has come under strain but Donald Trump's victory is likely to be welcomed by Chinese President Xi Jinping, who is pictured above with prime minister Theresa May



Bizarrely, Trump has offered to sit down and 'eat hamburgers' with Kim Jong-un to persuade him to abandon his nuclear arsenal.



Tumble: Asian markets plunged following news of the victory by Donald Trump in a reflection of the uncertainty that his presidency will bring. However, China will welcome his election if it means a greater US withdrawal from its role as the 'world's policeman'



No going back: Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has said there is 'no possibility' of his nuclear deal with world powers being overturned by US president-elect Donald Trump despite his threat to rip it up



Allies: Cuban President Raul Castro, right, raises US President Barack Obama's hand during a meeting at the Revolution Palace in Havana in March, which marked a thaw in US-Cuba relations - a deal which Donald Trump has said he will back away from 
已退休的古巴外交官Carlos Alzugaray則表示,川普的勝利可能讓某些古巴領導階層中的強硬派感到高興,因為這些人擔心古巴太快跟美國走得太近。



US workers replace fencing with a higher new metal wall along the border between Ciudad Juarez and Sunland Park, New Mexico.The obstacles to a 'Trump Wall', which Michael Burleigh believes will not be built, are actually rivers, lakes and Texan landowners 


另外很多人可能都不知道,美國自從二次世界大戰結束後,從1949年開始,就發動了20次秘密軍事行動,目的就是推翻其他國家的政府、引起動亂,以得到不同的利益。在1980年代,雷根政府甚至派CIA跟尼加拉瓜的反對勢力購買毒品,以資助對方錢和軍火 (維基百科連結),好推翻不跟美國妥協的政府。以下可以看到這20次的行動 (維基百科連結)。


來源 : Dailymail


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