
1. 澳洲新港的布魯(Bloom)一家有位特別的成員:自認為是人類的「喜鵲」。有趣的是,她因為身上黑白相間的色塊又被取名叫「企鵝」。   2. 三年前,「企鵝」還是雛鳥的時候,與布魯一家五口相遇,「她有一天就這樣突然飛來了,誰也沒想到後來我們彼此會有這麼深刻的連結與

October 19, 2016

1. 澳洲新港的布魯(Bloom)一家有位特別的成員:自認為是人類的「喜鵲」。有趣的是,她因為身上黑白相間的色塊又被取名叫「企鵝」。

The Bloom family from Newport, Sydney, discovered Penguin the magpie in 2013 when she was a few weeks old and she quickly became part of the family with Cameron, Same and their children Rueben, Noah, and Oli


2. 三年前,「企鵝」還是雛鳥的時候,與布魯一家五口相遇,「她有一天就這樣突然飛來了,誰也沒想到後來我們彼此會有這麼深刻的連結與感情。」

Looking at Cameron Bloom's stunning images of Penguin the magpie, you would never guess she was in fact a wild bird, free to come and go as she pleases


4. 當時布魯一家正處於愁雲慘霧中,布魯太太(Sam)在泰國度假時不小心從陽台墜落,導致癱瘓,家裡氣氛低迷。

Their feathered friend dropped into their lives at a dark and difficult time, when the photographer's wife Sam (pictured) became paralysed after falling from a balcony in Thailand while on holiday


5. 因此對布魯一家而言,與其說他們救了「企鵝」,倒不如說是貼心可愛的「企鵝」拯救了他們,「當你們看到企鵝叼著襪子給我太太的那張照片就會知道,光是穿衣服對她來說有多困難。」

'All the images [in the book] are a vessel for Sam,' the photographer said. 'When Penguin is pictured with sock in her mouth, it reflects how hard it is for Sam to get dressed'



Are you going to finish that? Penguin and Oli having some breakfast together 



You missed a bit: Penguin still enjoys the company of humans, despite having flown the nest last year



The charismatic and affectionate bird is also popular on social media, with the help of an Instagram account which has over 130,000 followers


9. 雖然「企鵝」是家庭成員,不過她的行動卻不受限,她總是可以來去自如地飛進飛出。「也許她還小的時候需要我們照顧,但她現在很自由。」

Before she flew away Penguin would sleep in a frangipani tree in the garden, 'then in the morning she would have squawk to be let in and cuddle up to Sam and the boys in bed' 


10. 她喜歡住在花園裏,不過有時候她會飛走一個禮拜或更久的時間,但布魯一家總是不擔心,因為她一定會飛回來,從大門口回到這個永遠歡迎她的家。

Penguin spread her wings and flew from the nest permanently in August last year, after two years with the Bloom family


11. 布魯先生笑說,雖然他們看得出來,「企鵝」已經交到男朋友,而且也準備好要組一個喜鵲家庭,不過她還是很享受回到「娘家」。

Just hanging out: Penguin's incredible relationship with the family has now been documented in a book titled Penguin Bloom



A duet of a different kind, Noah and Penguin look on as they make some music together 


13. 今年10月,布魯一家決定又收養了兩隻喜鵲孤兒「海鷗」、「熊貓」,他們在一次大風中被吹出鳥巢,就在3年前「企鵝」被找到的地方不遠處。

In October this year, two baby magpies were adopted into the fold. Puffin and Panda were blown out of their nest during windy weather, close to where Penguin was found in 2013


14. 不過為了紀念與大女兒「企鵝」的難得緣分,布魯先生決定把一家人相處的點滴以相機記錄下來,此外,他們也與作者Bradley Trevor Greive合作,出版《企鵝布魯》,用影像及文字與大家分享他們的喜鵲家人。

The odd little bird who saved a family: New York Times bestselling author Bradley Trevor Greive worked with Mr Bloom to create the book



Penguin the magpie makes herself comfortable.  She's been spotted 'dating some magpie boys in Newport' and getting ready to start a magpie family of her own



The Bloom family hope their new additions, like Penguin, will return to the wild as soon as they are strong enough to survive on their own






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分類:藝術, 世界, 動物
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