
1. 《美女與野獸》是迪士尼第一次在大片中使用電腦動畫製作系統 (CAPS)。這種技術其實是由皮克斯研發的,而這種技術也讓迪士尼製作出該片中著名的舞廳場景。   2. 幫柯博文配音的彼得·庫倫 (Peter Cullen) 以前是《小熊維尼》中屹耳的配音員! 廣告1   3. 《風中奇緣》

June 27, 2016

1. 《美女與野獸》是迪士尼第一次在大片中使用電腦動畫製作系統 (CAPS)。這種技術其實是由皮克斯研發的,而這種技術也讓迪士尼製作出該片中著名的舞廳場景。

"Beauty and the Beast" was the first prestige Disney film to use Computer Animation Production System (CAPS) technology, which was developed by Pixar. It's what allowed them to create the famous ballroom scene.


2. 幫柯博文配音的彼得·庫倫 (Peter Cullen) 以前是《小熊維尼》中屹耳的配音員!

Peter Cullen, who voices Optimus Prime in the new films, also voiced Eeyore back in the day.


3. 《風中奇緣》是唯一一齣根據真實事件改編的迪士尼公主電影。

"Pocahontas" is the only Disney princess movie based on true events.


4. 野獸的身體其實是7種不同動物組成的。



5. 動畫師在畫小美人魚時,其實是參考了女演員艾莉莎·米蘭諾 (Alyssa Milano)。

Alyssa Milano was used as a reference when animators drew Ariel.


6. 《泰山》這幕出現的布娃娃就是《花木蘭》中木蘭的狗小白!

The stuffed animal in this scene from "Tarzan" is actually Little Brother from "Mulan."


7. 樂佩是唯一有綠眼睛的迪士尼公主。

Rapunzel is the only Disney princess with green eyes.


8. 辛巴的叫聲其實是老虎的叫聲,因為這部片的音效人員認為獅子的吼聲不夠力!

Simba's roar was actually that of a tiger, since sound techs working on the movie determined that a lion's roar wouldn't have been powerful enough.


9. 《大英雄天團》中有出現《冰雪奇緣》中漢斯王子的雕像。

A statue of Hans from "Frozen" can be seen in "Big Hero 6."


10. 蒂安娜是唯一有正職的迪士尼公主。

Tiana is the only princess with a real job.


11. 瓦力 (Wall-E) 的名字其實是向華特迪士尼 (Walter Elias Disney) 致敬。

Wall-E's name is actually a riff on Walter Elias Disney.


12. 在所有的公主中,只有茉莉公主跟木蘭是穿褲子的。

Jasmine and Mulan are the only princesses who wear pants.


13. 其實《美女與野獸》中貝兒跟亞當王子最後的跳舞畫面,其實是《睡美人》中奧羅拉跟菲利浦的跳舞畫面重製。

Belle and the Prince's final dance in "Beauty and the Beast" is actually just a reanimated version of Princess Aurora and Prince Phillip's dance in "Sleeping Beauty."


14. 屹耳的名字靈感來自英國工人階級說「hee-haw」時的發音。

Eeyore's name was inspired by the British cockney pronunciation of "hee-haw." Fitting!




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