
 1. 一名Reddit使用者SlicedUpBeef跑到了加拿大安大略海名頓的登打士山爬山,到了美麗的懸崖旁4個好友輪流拍照。 Reddit / SlicedUpBeef   2. 拍的風鏡真的很美,暫時還沒有看出有什麼問題… Reddit / SlicedUpBeef 廣告1   3. 每個人拍的位置和角度都差不多,所以

June 5, 2016

 1. 一名Reddit使用者SlicedUpBeef跑到了加拿大安大略海名頓的登打士山爬山,到了美麗的懸崖旁4個好友輪流拍照。

The story starts with SlicedUpBeef's friend's cousin. Apparently, he'd hiked to the peak a few days before and posted the following picture of himself on Instagram.


2. 拍的風鏡真的很美,暫時還沒有看出有什麼問題…

When the Redditor got there, she and her friends each took turns recreating her cousin's photograph.


3. 每個人拍的位置和角度都差不多,所以如果有異樣的話,在別人的照片裡應該也可以看到。

However, even though the location was the same, there was something that they didn't manage to recreate.


4. 這就是那張有”問題”的照片,你看到了嗎?有在背景看到什麼嗎?放大後就更清楚了!

Here's the original Instagram photo again. Notice anything weird in the background that's not in the background of the other two images?


5. 這樣是不是很明顯了?

See it now?


6. 看起來很明顯是一個人的身影,他們認為不可能是登山客,因為那裡太斜了,不可能有人能站在那裡。有可能是一名之前登山時發生意外的登山客的鬼魂?

It appears to be some sort of unnaturally tall, ghostly figure. According to SlicedUpBeef, they thought it could have been a hiker, except that the area is not part of the trail and it's so steep that'd be almost impossible to traverse.


7. 他為了要證明那處不可能有人站立,刊登了這張不同季節拍的照片,讓人看得更清楚。

For the sake of comparison, here is the same area during a different time of year. People aren't kidding when they say it's steep.


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加入粉絲團! 這4個好友每人輪流拍這樣的懸崖照,但當第4人拍的時候就在背景看到了讓他們嚇到冒冷汗的畫面…留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友