
 1. 攝影師Nicole Cambré在南非意外拍下兩隻互相磨蹭的公獅(新聞):   2. 荷蘭的腳踏車專用圓環(The Hovenring): 廣告1   3. 一個熱衷於改造人體的德國地下組織所創造的北極星V1晶片(Northstar V1):將LED發光燈植入皮膚下,讓自己變成會發光的半機械人。   送我都不想

April 21, 2016

 1. 攝影師Nicole Cambré在南非意外拍下兩隻互相磨蹭的公獅(新聞):

The photo of two male lions mating is making the news around the world. African lions expert,  Kathleen Alexander, has another explanation; the animal in the bottom is actually a female with a mane.


2. 荷蘭的腳踏車專用圓環(The Hovenring):

 The Hovenring in the Netherlands is a bike bridge that connects the cities of Eindhoven and Veldhoven.


3. 一個熱衷於改造人體的德國地下組織所創造的北極星V1晶片(Northstar V1):將LED發光燈植入皮膚下,讓自己變成會發光的半機械人。

The Northstar V1 is a chip implanted under the skin that allows users to control their electronic devices with hand movements.


4. 傳說中一艘永遠無法停泊的幽靈船—飛翔荷蘭人號(Flying Dutchman),在阿姆斯特丹利用水柱、舞台燈光和3D投射技巧,完美重現在世人眼前。

The legend of the 17th century "Flying Dutchman" ship was brought to life in Amsterdam with the help of water hoses, 3D projection, and stage lights.



The owl finding its own image on an apple.


6. 美國亞特蘭提斯號太空梭的內部構造:

The solar panels of the Space Shuttle Atlantis provide a nice shade for the astronauts aboard.


7. 偽裝成巨無霸樹木的行動通信基地塔:

The overgrown, gigantic tree is actually a disguised cellphone tower.


8. 義大利北部港口城市熱那亞的海上龍捲風:

A tornado forming in the ocean in Genoa, Italy.


9. 1950年,愛達荷州面臨人口過剩的問題,於是把人裝箱後,用飛機載到州內人口比較稀少的區域。

In the 1950's the large beaver population in Idaho was causing too many problems. The solution? Relocate them by dropping them off from the air into underpopulated areas in the estate.


10. 用假牙、牙膏、牙齒印模托、鹿角滿滿裝飾的汽車:

This car is covered in dentures, impression trays, toothpaste tubes, and antlers.


11. 1983年,加拿大人正努力把1萬公斤重的巨無霸起司,運到當時在芝加哥辦的世界博覽會。

A 10,000 kg of cheese was transported from Ontario, Canada to the World's Fair in Chicago in 1893.


12. 德國學校路標:

German school graphics.





13. 變種蝙蝠?

It may look like a bat, but the aye aye is actually a primate related to chimpanzees and apes.


14. 厄瓜多公園:

A woman feeding the local lizards in a park in Ecuador.


15. 1930年,美國一共有19個納粹夏令營,他們的目的是要洗腦青年、灌輸納粹思想。

In the 1930's, 19 Hitler summer camps ran in the United States. The goal was to indoctrinate the youth with Nazi ideologies.


16. 巴西里約的佩德拉達加维亞山(Pedra da Gavea),觀光客要爬3個小時才能到這邊:

To take a nap on top of Pedra da Gavea, looking over Rio de Janeiro, tourists had to climb and hike for three hours to get there.


17. 加拿大綜合零售商 Canadian Tire打造的冰貨車:

The hardware store Canadian Tire, built a running pickup truck made of ice.


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