
當你看到網路上的旅遊風景照時,是不是跟小編一樣常常超讚歎,想說那個地方真是太美了,今生必訪,或是讚嘆攝影師的技術呢?其實旅遊攝影家Peter Stewart最近就公開了他的照片「製作」過程,讓大家明白其實那些風景照都被美化了!   Peter Stewart說他是用Nik Color Efe

April 12, 2016

當你看到網路上的旅遊風景照時,是不是跟小編一樣常常超讚歎,想說那個地方真是太美了,今生必訪,或是讚嘆攝影師的技術呢?其實旅遊攝影家Peter Stewart最近就公開了他的照片「製作」過程,讓大家明白其實那些風景照都被美化了!

Here, you can see a succession of images, from straight out of the camera to the final edit.


Peter Stewart說他是用Nik Color Efex pro來做出「最終效果」。這個免費插件可以裝在Lightroom或Photoshop上,讓他能調整單一顏色,能增加或降低細節,所以可以讓照片變得很鮮明或相反。

“I tend to use Nik Color Efex pro for achieving the overall ‘final’ result,” the photographer says. “This now free plug in for Lightroom and Photoshop has a heap of great tools which allow me to make tweaks to individual colors, increase or soften specific details, and can be used as dramatically or minimally as you desire.”


Peter Stewart說他喜歡讓照片看起來有點奇幻或不現實,所以他會拍好幾張照片疊在一起,再放大曝光,特別強調窗戶光線、霓虹燈光、陰影等細節。

“I like to approach my digital photography with a certain sense of the fantastical and the surreal,” Stewart said in an interview. “Many of my architectural and cityscape images feature the use of bracketed multiple exposures, which allow me to retain highlight detail in things like window lights and neon signs when shooting at night, or shadow detail in underexposed areas of the frame I want to call attention to.”



The final product is often the result of multiple amplified exposures, layered on top of one another.




他主要是用Photoshop改圖,但一開始會先用Adobe CameraRAW調整每張照片的色溫、飽和度、光線陰影及透視校正。

“The majority of my editing is though Photoshop, with the process starting in Adobe CameraRAW,” says Stewart. “I’ll take each of my bracketed exposures and make my initial adjustments there to things like color temperature, saturation, highlight/shadow detail and perspective correction.”


但其實Peter Stewart的作品在攝影界非常有爭議,最主要的爭議點你大概也想的到…就是改圖到何種程度才不算過度。

Stewart's style is also a bit controversial in the photography community. In other words, many dedicated to the craft wonder how much editing is too much.


Peter Stewart自己也說HDR (高動態範圍) 加工很容易被濫用,他有時候也會覺得自己做過頭了,而感到很有罪惡感。

“HDR processing is easy to abuse," Stewart says, "And I too am guilty of over-doing it on many occasions.”






不過Peter Stewart說他的作品能告訴人們Photoshop有多麼強大…這點倒是無庸置疑!

Still, Stewart says that his work is really to show people just how powerful Photoshop can be.


Peter Stewart的作品真的很美,不過這也是他經過大量修圖後的結果,你認同這樣的攝影作品嗎?留言跟我們分享你的看法吧!

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