
1. 這是…期待垃圾有一天會自己消失不見嗎?   2. 用馬克杯喝酒會不會太沒有情調? 廣告1   3. 用夾鏈袋喝水?幼稚園老師沒教你怎麼洗杯子嗎?   4. 好吧,想必老師也敗給你了。 廣告2   5. 難不成期待椅子會自己組裝完成?! 廣告3   6. 嗯,老師一定不會給你乖寶

April 13, 2016

1. 這是…期待垃圾有一天會自己消失不見嗎?

Because the trash will one day just magically take itself out.


2. 用馬克杯喝酒會不會太沒有情調?

A mug?! You're clearly new to the wine game.


3. 用夾鏈袋喝水?幼稚園老師沒教你怎麼洗杯子嗎?

This person who chose drinking out of a ziplock bag over washing a cup.


4. 好吧,想必老師也敗給你了。

Or why waste a ziplock bag when you can just drink directly from the container?


5. 難不成期待椅子會自己組裝完成?!

He took the easy way out.


6. 嗯,老師一定不會給你乖寶寶貼紙的…

Yeah, that works too.


7. 哪裡買得超恆溫餐桌,還附上兩隻肉肉的盤架?

This guy who took multitasking to the next level.


8. 啊那個破掉的餐盤是怎麼一回事….

What a masterpiece of a dinner.


9. 讓我們歡迎披薩店的金卡會員!

The person who'll never learn how to cook.


10. 老師一定忘記教你怎麼撕下貼紙了。

Because why take off the sticker when you can just eat around it?


11. 用衣服柔軟劑洗杯子,我怎麼沒想到呢?

At least they will smell good.


12. 乖,給你一張”懶寶寶貼紙”。

When you choose this pathetic fix over buying a new razor.


13. 再給你一張好了!

Because why wash an extra dish when you can just eat out of the pot?


14. 為了不用一直看比薩烤好了沒,這個天才直接把手機放在烤箱內,可以隨時視訊監控。

This person who decided to facetime the pizza instead of wasting their time checking on it.


15. 每次周末回來都不想面對塞爆的工作郵件….

Because opening emails and actually responding to them is a step into adulthood.


16. 這名男學生卡在女性生殖器雕像內,還得出動消防員救他出來。

The student who got stuck in a statue of a vagina and had to have firemen get him out.


17. 需要這麼懶嗎?!

I mean do you really need to take it out of its packaging?


18. 這個高度有比較方便嗎?

But wouldn't this make the process harder...


19. 「哈哈!現在帶著羞恥心走出去吧!」

Leaving this cruel message when you could have just switched the roll.


20. 泡麵加巧克力的”澎湃”晚餐。

When you consider this a meal.


21. 為了不用站起來關燈,這位老兄拿塑膠槍掃射….至少技術準一點?

This person who did everything he could to avoid getting up.


22. 這就是為什麼大家都想要在家工作?

This is what working from home is, right?


23. 其實一頂成人帳篷不用花你很多錢的…

A grown man who thinks he can still fit a child's tent.


24. 自動手推車的最新用途?

These ladies who are clearly taking advantage of the mobile carts.


25. 這個真的就太沒有公德心了啦…

In reality, we all kind of suck at adulting.



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