
1. 冬天過後,你可以從空中清楚看到密西根湖底的沈船殘骸。   2. 北韓女性只能從政府核准的28種髮型中挑選自己想要的造型。   根本是媽媽年代的造型啊~ 廣告1   3. 其實有種雷射手術可以讓你的棕色瞳孔變成藍色。   4. 高達1/3的義大利人從來沒用過網路。 廣告2   5.

February 29, 2016

1. 冬天過後,你可以從空中清楚看到密西根湖底的沈船殘骸。

After winter passes, you can see sunken ships at the bottom of Lake Michigan from the sky.


2. 北韓女性只能從政府核准的28種髮型中挑選自己想要的造型。

North Koreans may only choose from 28 government-approved haircuts.


3. 其實有種雷射手術可以讓你的棕色瞳孔變成藍色。

There's actually a laser procedure to change one's eye color from brown to blue.


4. 高達1/3的義大利人從來沒用過網路。

One-third of Italians have never actually used the Internet.


5. 家貓與老虎的基因順序相似度為95.6%。



6. 以各國人口密度來說,芬蘭擁有全世界最多的重金屬樂團。

Finland has more heavy metal bands per capita than any other country in the world. Who knew the Finnish were so hardcore?


7. 古羅馬帝國的女性認為,抹上角鬥士的汗水能夠改善膚質。

Women in ancient Rome thought that wearing the sweat of gladiators would improve their complexion.


8. 即使你打错Google的拼法,例如Gooogle、Gogle,甚至是466453(以前手機撥號鍵盤上的英文字母,輸完剛好是Google),都還是可以連到他們的網站。

Google owns many domains to cover mistypes such as: Gooogle, Gogle, Googel, and even 466453.


9. 某些科學家認為,貓咪之所以怕水,是因為他們祖先的棲息地遠離水岸,所以他們從來沒有機會學游泳。

Scientists think that cats are afraid of water because their ancestors didn't live near the water, and therefore never learned how to swim.


10. 委內瑞拉的國名Venezuela其實源自義大利文的Veneziola(小威尼斯)。當時,義大利探險家Amerigo Vespucci 見到當地居民住的水上高腳屋,讓他想起了水都威尼斯因而命名。

Venezuela's name comes from the Italian word "Veneziola" (little Venice). Explorer Amerigo Vespucci saw Venezuela, and the houses there reminded him of Venice.


11. 好萊塢知名導演史蒂芬史匹柏在輟學的33年後才終於完成學業、取得學士學位,而當時他以《辛德勒的名單》(Schindler’s List)作為他的畢業作品。

Steven Spielberg completed his degree about 33 years after dropping out. He used Schindler's List as his final project.


12. 幸運籤餅不是中國的傳統點心,而是來自舊金山的一位日本商人所開發販售的。

Fortune cookies are not a traditional Chinese custom -- they were actually invented in San Francisco.


13. 俄羅斯的太空人會帶著槍枝一起出任務,但這不是要對付外星人,而是為了以防回到俄羅斯、降落在不知名地點時,遇到攻擊性極強的野熊。

Russians take guns into space to protect themselves against bears if they land in an undesirable location on their way back to Russia.


14.  雖然聽起來很荒謬,但這是真的:1994年,一包重達34公斤的古柯鹼從飛機上掉出來,正巧落在佛羅里達州一場犯罪監視行動上。

It sounds unbelievable, but it's true: In 1994, a 75-pound bag of cocaine fell out of a plane and landed in the middle of a Florida crime watch meeting.


15. 蜂蜜是唯一永遠不會變質腐壞的食物。它可能會結晶,但如果妥善保存的話,蜂蜜可以保存上千年之久都不會壞。

Honey is the only food that will never rot. It can crystallize, but if kept in perfect conditions it can last for literally thousands of years.


16. 美國加州會指派監獄囚犯前去滅森林大火。

California uses prison inmates to fight forest fires.


17. 德國是第一個採用日光節約時間的國家。(日光節約時間,又稱夏令時間,指的是一般在較早天亮的夏季,將時間提前一小時,可以使人早起早睡,並充分利用光照資源。) 而德國人之所以這麼做,是為了在二次世界大戰中節省用電資源。

Germany was the first country ever to implement Daylight Saving Time. The strategy was used to save energy during World War II.


18. 在臉書訊息中輸入「@fbchess play」,就可以和朋友玩場西洋棋。



19. 探險隊在鐵達尼號上,發現ㄧ把鎖在保險櫃裡的雙筒望遠鏡,且鑰匙遺失了。

On the Titanic, there was a stash of binoculars inside of a locker. Unfortunately, the key was lost -- maybe if they'd had them, they would have been able to see the iceberg.


20. 流行音樂之王Michael Jackson的經典暢銷歌曲《Thriller》(顫慄),原本的歌名其實是《Starlight》(星光),同樣曲調但歌詞完全不同的音樂。

"Thriller" was originally titled "Starlight" and had the same tune, but completely different lyrics.
不過就算Michael Jackson當時是推出《Starlight》,想必也會成為另一項經典吧!


21. 廣受網友愛戴的Youtube明星「不爽貓」,在2014年賺的收入比小辣椒Gwyneth Paltrow(葛妮絲派特洛)還高!

YouTube star Grumpy Cat earned more than Gwyneth Paltrow in 2014.


22. 平均計算,每個人一天解鎖手機的次數高達110次!

The average person unlocks his or her smartphone 110 times each day -- bet you didn't think your checking that much, did you?


23. 美國總統Obama讀過每一本《哈利波特》小說!

President Obama has read every single Harry Potter book.


24. 許多西藏僧人是坐著睡覺的。

Many Tibetan monks sleep sitting up.


25. 美國總統Obama已故的父親,曾是肯亞政府的資深經濟顧問。

Barack Obama's late father was a senior economic advisor for the Kenyan government.


26. 抹香鯨的頭部裡塞滿能篩選特殊頻率發射的黃色脂肪組織,叫做Junk (與垃圾的英文同字)。

Most of a sperm whale's head is filled with a fatty, yellow tissue called "junk."


27. 巴西有一座城市叫”Nao-Me-Toque”,意思是”別碰我”。

There's a city in Brazil called "Nao-Me-Toque," which means "Don't Touch Me."




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