
1. 內建遊戲控制器的背心。這樣就能夠一邊打電動一邊幫別人按摩,只要有了這個相信你女友就不會一直抱怨你一天到晚打電動囉。 instructables   2. 會告訴你現在的體重是哪種動物等級的體重計。 lazyboneuk 廣告1   3. 如果不說它是什麼你絕對看不出來的USB。 amazon   4

January 18, 2016

1. 內建遊戲控制器的背心。這樣就能夠一邊打電動一邊幫別人按摩,只要有了這個相信你女友就不會一直抱怨你一天到晚打電動囉。

A vest with a built in game controller so you can simultaneously play games and give someone a massage.


2. 會告訴你現在的體重是哪種動物等級的體重計。

A weighing scale that gives you an approximate weight amount by telling you which animal you weigh the same as.


3. 如果不說它是什麼你絕對看不出來的USB。

A USB in the best disguise ever.


4. Lady Gaga茶包。

Lady Gaga teabags.


5. 這個外表看似普通長方形燈座的Tempescope是個氣象台,它能夠在內部模擬出現在外面的天氣!

The Tempescope is a weather prediction device that shows you what's happening outside by recreating it in a tiny box.


6. 有了這條牛仔褲你就再也不需要帶外接鍵盤出門了。

Never have to carry around a keyboard again.


7. 終於能夠帶家裡的金魚出門散步了!

Now you can take your goldfish everywhere with you!


8. 這些開心的小人很樂意替你打開酒瓶喔!

The happy men who are happy to help you plug your wine bottles.


9. 用紙巾做成的筆記本。

A sketchbook made out of napkins.


10. 超爆笑的大腳室內鞋。

Funny big feet slippers.


11. 會用全世界最美妙的聲音 (屁聲) 把你叫醒的鬧鐘。

An alarm clock that wakes you up with the sound of a fart.


12. 只要把這條頭巾戴在頭上他就會自動幫你按摩了。

A headband that gives your head massages.


13. 由Masaya Hashimoto設計的摺紙鞋。

Origami shoes by Masaya Hashimoto.


14. 結合滑板車的小冰箱。

A scooter ice cooler?


15. 能讓你量身定做出夢中情人的雕塑組合。

Use this sculpting kit to create your perfect boyfriend.


16. 溫暖、舒適又有隱私的筆電閱讀器,這樣別人就不知道你現在在看什麼囉。

A cozy private laptop viewer so that nobody can see what you're really looking at.
超適合冬天der ^_<


17. 會告訴你現在是否需要吃顆薄荷糖或是刷牙的口臭偵測儀。

A hygiene breathalyzer that'll let you know if you need a mint or to brush your teeth.


18. 能被設置在樹上的小涼椅,讓松鼠有個地方坐著休息。

A miniature retro chair you can attach to trees for squirrels to lounge on.


19. 這個滾筒紙架配有iPod能使用的USB插孔,讓你在上大號的時候不會無聊,隨時能放音樂來聽。

A toilet paper/iPod holder so you can listen to some tunes while doing the #1 or #2.


20. 會讓你知道你現在是否該減肥的智慧型腰帶。

A smart belt that lets you know when you're gaining weight and it's time to either slow down on your meals or visit the gym.
Lisette Mejia


21. 造型搞笑的文具架。

What you need? A pen, post-it, paperclip, tape - I got it all.


22. 這個小玩具能讓你無止盡地擠泡泡紙。

A battery operated toy that let's you pop bubble wrap endlessly.


23. 如果能用雪怪的手來擦掉窗戶上的冰又何必用自己的手呢?

Because why scrape ice with a plain scraper when you can use a yeti hand?


24. 內建CD音響的球鞋。

A sneaker with a built in CD stereo so you can have jams coming out of your steps.


25. 可以射出鹽驅逐蟲子的塑膠槍。

A plastic gun that allows you to shoot unwanted bugs with salt.


26. 你的桌面上是不是少了一個會跳舞的培根?

A bacon dancer for your dashboard.


27. 能在水中使用的餐盤。

This is actually quite brilliant. The perfect addition to a relaxing day at the pool.


28. 雖然它長得像溜冰鞋,但它不是。你還是要靠自己的雙腳走路喔!

These would be a little cooler if they were what they looked like - skates. But instead, they're for walking, meaning you have to take actual steps with these contraptions on.
Lisette Mejia


29. 免手持揚聲器,可以接在家用電話或手機上,通話後會在螢幕上顯示出對方講話的唇形。

A hands-free speaker meant to be connected to a landline or mobile phone that shows animated lips that move in sync with whoever is on the other end of the line.


30. 如果世界有比單輪車還要酷的東西,就是這個單輪摩托車了!

What's more badass than a unicycle? A uni-motorbike.



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