
這家位於希臘愛琴海米蒂利尼 (Mytilene) 的咖啡廳叫做Hott Spott,這家店只要一進到深夜就會出現這世界上最動人的畫面。   原來每個晚上咖啡廳打烊之後,就會變身最溫暖的旅館,讓外面受凍的毛小孩進來取暖。 廣告1     上面的照片是由這位46歲愛琴大學助理教授帕

December 24, 2015

這家位於希臘愛琴海米蒂利尼 (Mytilene) 的咖啡廳叫做Hott Spott,這家店只要一進到深夜就會出現這世界上最動人的畫面。

The island of Lesbos has also been the epicenter of the refugee crisis: “The locals have increased levels of solidarity towards environmental and humanistic issues. The new generation is more sensitive and well informed,” said Eustratios Papanis, whose original photo of the coffee shop went viral when he shared it on 3 December.

Found at Boredpanda & Facebook



“When the bar closes each night, the dogs come and sleep here. We don’t have a problem. From July, every night there is a dog on the couch,” said a waiter at the cafe, who wanted to remain anonymous.


Since July, the shop had been letting dogs without a home or an owner cuddle up on their seats, and keep warm throughout the nights.


上面的照片是由這位46歲愛琴大學助理教授帕帕尼斯 (Eustratios Papanis) 最近在網路上所PO的,他寫下這一段文字:

It was uploaded by Efstratios Papanis, a 46-year-old assistant professor of sociology at the University of the Aegean on Lesbos island, off the coast of Greece.


螢幕快照 2015-12-24 下午1.28.19



螢幕快照 2015-12-24 下午1.12.24



 Over the course of the past year, thousands of Syrian refugees have passed through Lesbos. Papanis has taken pictures around the island of life jackets and personal effects left by the refugees.



 "In the city there are many dogs. When the bar closes each night, the dogs come and sleep here. We don't have a problem. From July, every night there is a dog on the couch."

來源:Buzzfeed|The Chive


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分類:世界, 動物
加入粉絲團! 他不小心走進了這家打烊後入夜的咖啡廳,結果裡面的景象讓他的眼淚像打開水龍頭一樣關不起來了…留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友