
 1. 工程師現在可以用3D列印技術製作出比以前還要便宜好幾倍的義肢。   2. 提供緊急救援的噴射背包。 廣告1   3. 只要戴上感測器就能將肢體語言變成說出來的話。   4. 這套比基尼能吸收水污染!   又美又環保! 廣告2   5. 虛擬實境面具能讓戴的人忘記疼痛。   超…

November 16, 2015

 1. 工程師現在可以用3D列印技術製作出比以前還要便宜好幾倍的義肢。

Engineers are now able to print 3D prosthetics at a fraction of the cost of previous ones.


2. 提供緊急救援的噴射背包。

Actual jetpacks are being developed for emergency first responders.


3. 只要戴上感測器就能將肢體語言變成說出來的話。

Wearable sensors could translate sign language into spoken words.


4. 這套比基尼能吸收水污染!

This bikini is made out of a material that absorbs water pollution.


5. 虛擬實境面具能讓戴的人忘記疼痛。

There is new virtual reality technology that can help wearers forget pain.


6. 人機互動的擴增實境 (Augmented Reality) 會完全小朋友學習的方式!

Children stories will never be the same once they release these augmented reality coloring books.


7. 牽引光束 (Tractor Beam) 可以利用聲波來讓物體漂浮。

This 'Tractor Beam' can actually levitate objects using sound waves


8. 準備跟充電線說掰掰。

Wireless phone charging will eliminate all the cords you can't ever find.


9. 充電桌就能充電!

And there is a new kind of countertop that could actually charge your phone.


10. 《鋼鐵擂台》不再只是電影。

The show 'Battle Bot' actually airs robot duels on television, USA vs Japan is coming soon.


11. 無人駕駛成真:現在已經有很多車廠 (包括Google) 都有會自己行駛的機器車了。

Cars really are capable of driving themselves. There's even one Tesla that can do it all on its own.


12. 3D列印筆能畫出任何你想畫的東西,像是這個立體圖案。

A 3-D pen that can make anything you can imagine.


13. 目前正在不斷研究噴射機,也許日後從倫敦到紐約只需要30分鐘。

Developers are working on a new jet concept that could take you from London to New York City in 30 minutes.


14. 現在已經有機器人可以幫你洗衣服囉!

It's official, there is now a robot that can do your laundry.


15. 以後也可能會有機器人來幫忙收垃圾~

And the trash might even be picked up by robots, too.


16. 計劃要有高速列車以時速220英里 (約352公里) 從北加州連結到南加州。

There are plans in the works for this high speed train to link NorCal and SoCal at 220mph.


17. 飄浮滑板滑的時候還有音樂能聽。

Hoverboards exist, and they even play music while you ride. Still have a few tweaks to work out on this one.


18. 3D雷射掃描機能掃描重塑任何東西,這能將藝術帶入一個新的領域。

This 3D laser scanner can scan anything and turn it into insane art.



希望以後也能有幫忙洗澡或是卸妝的機器呀~ (廢物妄想) ,快將這些動搖原本生活的設計分享給朋友吧。

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