
1. 氣球形狀的地圖要擠壓才能看出你想要的街道!   這樣帶著走連Google Maps都不需要了!   2. 專門裝披薩的包包,讓你能將披薩帶著走,想吃就吃。 廣告1   3. 屁屁形狀的燈,必須靠「拍打屁屁」才能夠開關燈。   4. 全世界最小的四旋翼遙控飛機,但是麻雀雖小五臟俱全

October 11, 2015

1. 氣球形狀的地圖要擠壓才能看出你想要的街道!

A ball EggMap that you squeeze to zoom closer to the desired location.
這樣帶著走連Google Maps都不需要了!


2. 專門裝披薩的包包,讓你能將披薩帶著走,想吃就吃。

A pizza pouch so you can eat it on the run.


3. 屁屁形狀的燈,必須靠「拍打屁屁」才能夠開關燈。

The 'Slap It' lamp that jiggles when it gets smacked to be turned on or off.


4. 全世界最小的四旋翼遙控飛機,但是麻雀雖小五臟俱全。

The smallest quadcopter with all the gadgets as its larger counterparts.


5. 只要一丟到水裡就會活過來的機器魚。

Place the Robo Fish in the water bowl and watch it come to life.


6. 跟寵物一對的項鍊。

Keep the bond going with an ID tag for dogs and their humans.


7. 能捕捉你一舉一動的動感偵測服裝,在電玩、拍攝動畫及運動時都能使用。

The wireless Salto suit captures your every move for gaming, animation, and sports.


8. 這個能架置在手機上的球能讓你更容易拍到狗夥伴的清楚照片。

The smartphone attachment ball that captures the best canine selfies.


9. 手榴彈形狀的求生工具包。

A grenade that deploys into a survival kit.


10. 會跟著黑線前進的電子玩具坦克車。

This electronic tank toy will follow the black line drawn.


11. 用鹽跟水就能夠發亮八個小時的檯燈。

This lamp gives eight hours of light, powered by salt and water.


12. 同時兼具浴缸功能的吊床。

A hammock that works as a bath and hot tub.


13. 鑰匙形狀的檔門板。

You'll never forget your key when its used as a door-stopper.


14. 用樂高建造出一個小機器人,然後連結平板電腦上的app控制。

Build your robot by adding Lego pieces and connect it a tablet to control it.


15. 可以貼在鍵盤上的裝飾貼紙。

Sticker decals for the keyboard needing a makeover.


16. 結合iPhone底座的廁所衛生紙架,很適合上廁所也要帶手機的人。

The iPhone dock and toilet paper dispenser for those that take their mobile everywhere.


17. 可食用杯子,讓你喝完飲料後可以順便把杯子吃下去。

Edible and biodegradable cups that you can munch on after you finish your drink.


18. 聞起來有Pizza味的上衣,從1.8公尺外就能聞到。 

Pizza scented t-shirts can be smelled as far as six-feet-away.


19. 這個行李滑板車,讓你搭飛機時更快速又方便。

The carry-on that doubles as a scooter to catch your flight that much faster.



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