
1. 中國山寨的能力不用多做說明,現在不只是仿冒英國汽車,世界各地的名勝古蹟都被模仿光啦!我們就先從北京的復活島石像開始看起吧…   位於智利復活節島上的摩埃石像本尊,須從聖地牙哥坐上 5 個小時的飛機才能到達。 廣告1   2. 北京世界公園裡的雪梨歌劇院與雪

August 3, 2015

1. 中國山寨的能力不用多做說明,現在不只是仿冒英國汽車,世界各地的名勝古蹟都被模仿光啦!我們就先從北京的復活島石像開始看起吧…

Beijing's replica 'Moai' statues, above, line a pedestrian walkway in one of the city's business districts


位於智利復活節島上的摩埃石像本尊,須從聖地牙哥坐上 5 個小時的飛機才能到達。

Real Moai statues, above, can be found on Easter Island - about five hours by plane from Santiago, Chile


2. 北京世界公園裡的雪梨歌劇院與雪梨港灣大橋,名為世界公園,裡面當然包含了世界五大洲的名勝古蹟啦!

A replica of Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge is one of the many attractions at Beijing World Park


位於澳洲的雪梨歌劇院本尊,能夠容納 6000 人在其中享受音樂劇表演。

The real Sydney Opera House in Australia can house almost 6,000 people for musical performances


3. 在澳門漁人碼頭的羅馬競技場複製品,旁邊是一片的仿羅馬建築。

The replica Colosseum in Macau, above, is actually a shopping mall built at the city's Fisherman's  Wharf


真正的羅馬競技場是在 15 世紀時被教廷拆去部分石料去建造教堂和樞密院,才會有現在缺一角的情形。

The real Colosseum in Rome, pictured, was the largest amphitheater ever built. It is now a museum site


4. 上海金融區的比薩斜塔須靠 4 條鋼索支撐,為了山寨連市民的命都不顧嗎?

Shanghai's version of the leaning tower of Pisa, pictured in the financial district, is held in position by wires



Italy's original Pisa tower is the bell tower of the city's cathedral and leans because it was built on soft ground


5. 山寨版艾菲爾鐵塔位於中國杭州天都城,原本是一片農田的自然地區,被改建成香榭大道和艾菲爾鐵塔。

Hangzhou's knock-off Paris, above,  features the Eiffel Tower and Champs-Élysées, and was built on farmland


這才是真正位於巴黎的艾菲爾鐵塔本尊啊!人家可是有超過 305 公尺 (81 層樓) 高呢。

The real Eiffel Tower in Paris, pictured, is over 1,000 feet high or the equivalent of an 81 storey building


6. 安徽省滁州市長城國際動漫旅遊創意園中的山寨人面獅身,我記得人面獅身本人沒有戴面具啊…

Full-size replica of the Sphinx in Chuzhou is part of a theme park but it features a full Egyptian mask



Another replica of the Sphinx in Shijiazhuang is much more like the original though it's still more detailed



The original Sphinx in Cairo has lost much of its facial features over the millennia since its construction


7. 位於武漢的卡納克神廟 (Karnak Temple),座落於被遺棄的萬國公園內,聽名字就知道裡面還有來自各國的複製品,如金字塔、神殿等。

This Karnak Temple is in fact in Wuhan, central China, and is part of an abandoned multi-country theme park


卡納克神廟本尊位於尼羅河東岸的盧克索鎮北邊 4000 公尺處,它實際上非常地巨大。

The real Karnak Temple is thousands of miles away in the historic city of Luxor and is substantially bigger


8. 湖北武漢商貿職業學院的校門仿效法國凱旋門。

French supermarket Carrefour put up an 'Arc de Triomphe', above, outside its Beijing store for publicity



A college in Wuhan has decided to use its own version of the Arc de Triomphe, above, as its entrance gate



Visitors to Paris will still be able to see the real Arc de Triomphe, pictured, at the end of the Champs-Élysées




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