
達什拉斯·曼吉 (Dashrath Manjhi) 花了 22 年劈開一座山,一開始人們都笑他一個人不可能做得了,但這些風言風語只是更堅定了達什拉斯的心。   漸漸地,人們開始帶給他食物和工具,並在道路完成後無比地尊敬他。   達什拉斯到底為什麼要開路呢?背後的原因將感動萬千女性

July 29, 2015

達什拉斯·曼吉 (Dashrath Manjhi) 花了 22 年劈開一座山,一開始人們都笑他一個人不可能做得了,但這些風言風語只是更堅定了達什拉斯的心。

His name was Dashrath Manjhi, and it took him 22 years. People laughed at him at first. Years into his project they brought him food and tools. When he was finished, they praised him.



Manjhi was first driven to create a faster path through the mountains to the nearest hospital when his wife was injured. Because they couldn't get her to a hospital fast enough, she passed away. Manjhi didn't want anyone else in his village to go through this tragedy.


達什拉斯的老婆費古妮 (Faguni Devi) 為了送水給老公喝,在這崎嶇狹窄的山路上受傷了。

They told him a single man could not carve down a mountain. This only steeled his resolve.


但因醫院距離當地超過 65 公里遠,費古妮因來不及送醫便去世了。

From 1960 to 1982, from ages 35 to 55, Manjhi picked at the mountain, eventually creating a 360 foot long, 25 foot deep road. This new path cut the trip from his village to the hospital from 44 miles to just 9 miles.


為了不讓其他人再次承受一樣的傷痛,並讓村莊能更方便地和外界連結,達什拉斯從 1960 年開始鑿路,一路鑿到 1982 年,完成時他已 55 歲。

The path through the mountain (indicated by the green arrow) is longer than a football field and makes it easy to transport the sick.


他 22 年的努力不懈,成功開出一條 110 公尺長、7公尺寬的道路,這個長度比足球場還長。小型車能從這條新路通過,更方便運送病人,並讓醫院的距離從 65 公里縮短到 14 公里。

People stopped calling him crazy and started praising him as the 'Mountain Man.' The local government has proposed a paved road to be named "Dashrath Manjhi Road" and a hospital in his honor.


當地人稱他為「山人」(Mountain Man),這位偉大的山人已在 2007 年去世,但他擁有一條以他名字命名的道路「達什拉斯·曼吉路」(Dashrath Manjhi Road),以及一間紀念他的醫院。

The health of his village is owed to the man that carved through a mountain, Dashrath Manjhi.

來源:The Chive

達什拉斯的行為真的令人肅然起敬,是怎樣的意志力能支撐著他獨自一人一路鑿了 22 年的山路?僅靠夫妻感情的偉大嗎?不管是甚麼原因,他都用實際行動告訴我們:世上沒有做不到的事,只有不願堅持做的事!快分享出去,讓大家都能認識這位現代版愚公吧~

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