
李小龍逝世於 1973 年,距今已過了 42 年。儘管他在我出生前便過世了,但他依然是我心目中的英雄之一,就連周星馳也一直崇拜著這位傳奇角色。   但有些事情就連是忠實粉絲可能也不甚了解,以下我們將為龍迷們再次隆重介紹這位永遠的巨星──李小龍。   1. 因為李小龍的父

July 23, 2015

李小龍逝世於 1973 年,距今已過了 42 年。儘管他在我出生前便過世了,但他依然是我心目中的英雄之一,就連周星馳也一直崇拜著這位傳奇角色。

Today marks 42 years since Bruce Lee’s mysterious death in 1973. Even though he died many years before I was born, I know I’m not alone when I say he is one of my heroes and somebody I draw inspiration from. Here are some facts about this legendary man.


1. 因為李小龍的父親是一位著名的粵劇明星,所以這位功夫明星能在年輕時便已出演過多部電影。

Because Lee’s father was a famous Cantonese opera star, he was able to appear in many films at a young age.


2. 在 1970 年代時,李小龍利用電影將武術提高到至高境界,並讓美國人蔚為瘋狂,愛上這位華人明星,也愛上中國武術。

Bruce Lee’s films elevated martial arts to incredible popularity in the United States. This lead to an explosion of people learning martial arts in the 1970s.


3. 在當時的年代,武打的部分都會被加快帶過,但李小龍卻是相反。他的拳腳快到無法被每秒 24 格的攝影技術捕捉到,因此他選擇用每秒 32 格拍攝,並刻意放慢速度,讓你能清楚看到他的每個動作。

At the time, most martial arts films were sped up to make the fight scenes appear faster but Bruce Lee did the opposite. His punches and kicks were too fast to be caught on the regular 24 fps. He was instead filmed at 32 fps and slowed down so you could actually see what he was doing.


4. 在 2012 年時,舊金山公園原本聚集一些煩人的海鷗,都被一隻突來的紅尾鷹嚇跑了,也因牠嚇走了這些海鷗,而被取名為「李小龍」。

In 2012 a red tailed hawk took residence in AT&T park in San Francisco. This stadium is known for having lots of annoying seagulls but when the hawk was there, the problem wasn’t so bad. The hawk was given the name Bruce Lee because it scared away the seagulls.


 5. 李小龍來不及完成他最後一部電影《死亡遊戲》( The Game of Death) 便去世,儘管如此,他的葬禮現場被放進電影裡,也算是有盡力「陪到最後」了。

Bruce died before his last film, The Game of Death, could be finished. This movie contains footage from his real life funeral.


6.  「混合武術」在現今十分流行,主張應訓練人體全方位的身體機能,如肌耐力、心肺耐力和靈活度。李小龍也是當初將這個風潮帶起的武術專家之一。

Now that mixed martial arts is a main stream sport, it’s not surprising that these athletes aim to become elite in all areas of physical fitness such as muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance, and flexibility. This was not always the case. Bruce Lee was one of the first martial artists to advocate this type of fitness training on top of martial arts training.


7. 以下這張照片是由《唐山大兄》中被刪除的場景,原因是太暴力了。

This scene was removed from the film, The Big Boss, because it was deemed too violent.


 8.《真人快打》裡的劉康 (Liu Kang)、《鐵拳》裡的馬歇爾洛 (Law)、《街頭霸王》裡的飛龍 (Fei Long) 都是由李小龍做為發想。

Lui Kang from Mortal Kombat, Law from Tekken, and Fei Long from Street Fighter are all inspired by Bruce Lee.


9. 李小龍視力很差,雖然當時隱形眼鏡是一項新科技產品,而李小龍也有在戴。只是對他來說隱形眼鏡太不舒服了,大部分時間他還是以戴厚框眼鏡為主。

Bruce Lee had really bad eyesight. At the time, contact lenses were a new technology and Lee was one of the first to wear them. However, they were extremely uncomfortable so most of the time he wore thick coke-bottle glasses.


 10. 在 1970 年時,李小龍的背在舉重時受傷了,醫生告訴他應該無法再做踢腿的動作。但醫生這句話可是大錯特錯,李小龍最知名的電影都是在 1970 年後拍的。

In 1970, Lee injured his back while lifting weights. He was told he would never be able to kick again. The doctors were dead wrong. All of Lee's most famous films were made after 1970.


11. 空手道世界冠軍查克·諾里斯 (Chuck Norris) 承認自己和李小龍對打的話應該會輸。

Chuck Norris has admitted that Bruce Lee could beat him in a fight.


12. 李小龍可以用單手兩根指頭做伏地挺身。

Lee could do one arm, two finger pushups.


13. 《龍爭虎鬥》(Enter the Dragon) 以1800萬台幣 (60萬美元) 的預算製作,票房卻超過 93億台幣 (3億美元)。

Enter the Dragon was made with a $600,000 budget. It has grossed over $300,000,000.


14. 成龍曾在《龍爭虎鬥》中扮演被李小龍打敗的無名小卒。

Jackie Chan was one of Lee’s anonymous enemies in Enter the Dragon.

來源:The Chive

李小龍的經典表情和武打動作現今還在流行,這名年僅 5 歲的男孩便能完美演繹李小龍的每個動作,在知道了這些龍哥小知識後,看看小小龍延續好心情吧~

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分類:星聞, 世界
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