影/捕鱷專家「制伏3米大鱷魚」畫面被瘋傳 他曝光「另類捕捉技巧」陪牠玩就對了!

小編每一次都很好奇專門捕捉鱷魚的專家究竟是如何讓自己在不受.傷的情況下成功捕捉或馴服鱷魚?看了以下這篇新聞之後,還真的會讓人打開眼界!來自美國的捕鱷專家保羅 (Paul Bedard) 日前接獲當地民眾委託他幫忙捕捉一隻闖進住家的鱷魚,他最後當然成功完成任務,並且還

October 29, 2019

小編每一次都很好奇專門捕捉鱷魚的專家究竟是如何讓自己在不受.傷的情況下成功捕捉或馴服鱷魚?看了以下這篇新聞之後,還真的會讓人打開眼界!來自美國的捕鱷專家保羅 (Paul Bedard) 日前接獲當地民眾委託他幫忙捕捉一隻闖進住家的鱷魚,他最後當然成功完成任務,並且還在網上分享了讓人驚奇的捕鱷絕招!


根據外媒報導,美國佛羅里達州 (Florida) 專門捕捉鱷魚的專家保羅隸屬於「GatorBoys」團隊,他主要的工作就是處理當地失控的野生鱷魚。他日前被指派前往帕克蘭市 (Parkland) 的一戶人家把誤闖泳池的3公尺鱷魚逮捕,由於保羅已將近一年多沒看過如此巨大的鱷魚,所以他當下相當興奮。




在 Instagram 查看這則貼文

Got an e-gator call this morning about an 8 to 9 foot alligator in a swimming pool up in Parkland. The gator had walked through the screen and into the pool. I haven’t had a good-sized gator in a swimming pool in probably a year, so I was kind of looking forward to this when I got the call. These are actually fun because the gator can’t go anywhere and the water’s almost always crystal clear. So all I have to do is jump in the water play around with him until he’s tired and I can either hold his mouth shut and put a snare on it and tape it, or if he super energetic I can get him tired enough where I can just pick him up without the tape and carry him out in the yard and then tape him up once I get there. This guy was super mellow didn’t really give me a hard time at all, I couldn’t get him to spin on me he really wanted nothing to do with me. I simply made a frontal catch put a snare on his mouth and taped him up. Then finally got him to expend some energy…. I didn’t want to pull him out of the water until he was tired, because he’ll usually go into a death roll and smash himself up on the concrete or, if he’s not taped, bite the concrete or something so it’s always better to make him expend that energy in the water where is not going to get banged up. He ended up being 8 feet 8 in, and didn’t really give me a hassle at all, it was basically as smooth and easy as it ever gets. Thank you Lord, much appreciated. #gatorboysalligatorrescue #gatorboys #rescue #animal #alligator #gators #gator #paulbedard #evergladesholidaypark #everglades #crocodile #croc #greatful #nuisancealligator

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分類:世界, 動物
加入粉絲團! 影/捕鱷專家「制伏3米大鱷魚」畫面被瘋傳 他曝光「另類捕捉技巧」陪牠玩就對了!留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友