
《復仇者聯盟:無限之戰》中集合了多位英雄人物,而當中又以男英雄居多,所以當然免不了要來一下「英雄的帥氣度排行」囉!根據《Buzz Feed》報導,下面便是26位男英雄的帥氣排行!看看你最愛的英雄排在第幾吧!(以下評論皆是參考國外媒體的整理,不是小編私心唷)  

May 5, 2018

《復仇者聯盟:無限之戰》中集合了多位英雄人物,而當中又以男英雄居多,所以當然免不了要來一下「英雄的帥氣度排行」囉!根據《Buzz Feed》報導,下面便是26位男英雄的帥氣排行!看看你最愛的英雄排在第幾吧!(以下評論皆是參考國外媒體的整理,不是小編私心唷)



Crystal: Can you even imagine trying to kiss that mouth? It’d be all like slimy I bet. NAH. Hard pass. 0/10Jenna: He looks SUPER slimy on every level. No thank you. 0/10Thirst level: 0/10



Crystal: First of all, he has a skull face. And second of all, he has a skull face. Did I mention he has a skull face? 0/10Jenna: Nopety nope nope nope. *shudders* 0/10Thirst level: 0/10



Crystal: Way too old. Also, he seems like a jerk? Not here for any of it. 0/10Jenna: Betty is the only Ross I care about. BRING HER BACK. 1/10Thirst level: .5/10


第23名,亡刃 (Corvus Glaive)。

Crystal: I mean, if I HAD to choose one of Thanos’ children, I guess I’d say Corvus? He’s tall and clearly has some athletic abilities, which probably translate in bed? OMG, why am I even thinking like this. 1/10Jenna: He’s not the most repulsive member of the Black Order…but that ain’t saying much. .5/10Thirst level: .75/10


第22名,黑曜獵手(Cull Obsidian)。

Crystal: He's clearly "in shape," but honestly? Not really into the whole giant rock-lizard look of this guy. Also? He'd probably crush me, so like, yeah...no thanks. 1/10Jenna: He’s BUILT, but nasty (and not in a good way). Naaaah. 1/10Thirst level: 1/10


第21名,火箭浣熊 (Rocket)。

Crystal: Lol, look, I’ve rated animated lions and deer before, so why the hell not? I weirdly love Rocket, but he’s also a raccoon? So, like, ew no?! 1/10Jenna: I wasn’t sure about including Rocket, but we may as well go the whole hog. Or rabbit, I should say. Anyway, Rocket is great value but also still very much an animal. I will pass. 1/10Thirst level: 1/10


第20名, 侏儒王 (Eitri)。

Crystal: Too moody, plus he’d probably crush me just by shaking my hand (or attempting to?) alone?! The whole thing just feels...weird. 2/10Jenna: Love Peter Dinklage, but Eitri is ginormous and there is no way this would physically work. 2/10Thirst level: 2/10


第19名,收藏者 (The Collector)。

Crystal: I mean, he’s not BAD looking (this is Benecio, after all), but there’s something about the weird combination of Billy Idol hair and overly eccentric personality that is a turn off for me. It just doesn’t work. 2/10Jenna: Not interested in him, his hoarding habits, or his bad dye job. He gives me baaad vibes. 2/10Thirst level: 2/10


第18名,薩諾斯 (Thanos)。

Crystal: I know there are SOME PEOPLE who find Thanos thicc, but please stop. The weird testicle chin and overall evilness are just plain unacceptable. He has good arms, but beyond that. NAH. 1/10Jenna: My gut reaction was HELL FUCKING NO. But then I stopped and checked for...other...reactions. And look, maybe I see it. Maybe. JUST A LITTLE BIT. 3/10Thirst level: 2/10


第17名,德克斯 (Drax)。

Crystal: So, I have that thing where patterns/holes creep me out, and there’s no way I could get over his raised tattoos! Also, his laugh might annoy the shit out of me?! And he’s pretty rude?! Oh, man, IDK…love Drax as a friend, but not as a lover. 2/10Jenna: I love Drax. He’s SO funny. I’d love to get together with him and talk about pirate angel Thor’s magnificent, rippling muscles for hours. Would I want to bang him? I mean…possibly? I have several questions about his sensitive nipples, and I wouldn’t be above field research. 4/10Thirst level: 3/10


第16名,王 (Wong)。

Crystal: Wong is adorable, smart, and has MAGICAL POWERS, but the guy is WAY TOO SERIOUS. I need a little more humour in my life. Although points for some excellent choice in music (ahem, Beyoncé). 5/10Jenna: Wong is the most appealing part of any Doctor Strange-related plot tbh. But he seems kind of married to his job. Do those wizards even have sex? 3/10Thirst level: 4/10


第15名,詹姆士‧羅德·羅德斯 (James  Rhodey Rhodes)。

Crystal: I feel like I know the least about War Machine (I didn’t see Iron Man 2 or 3, don’t @ me), so now I’m just basing this on the very little I’ve seen of him in like Civil War and Infinity War?! The guy is cute and smart and has a fun suit (without the added Tony Stark arrogance), so that definitely gets him points. 5/10Jenna: I really like Rhodey and enjoy his friendship with Tony. But he doesn’t make me thirsty. He would be fun to get a drink with, though. 3/10Thirst level: 4/10


第14名,奇異博士 (Doctor Strange)。

Crystal: Doctor Strange seems like he’d be kind of annoying? Like, can you imagine going on a date with him and he spends half the time just trying to foresee all the possible outcomes of the date, and which one would lead to him getting laid? IDK! That being said, I do find him kind of attractive, so…it’s not a total loss? 7/10Jenna: I'm sorry, but I don’t have much time for Doctor Strange. At all. He’s got the arrogance and ridiculous facial hair of Tony Stark, but with none of the charm. It doesn’t help that I find his outfit ridiculous, and his movie incredibly boring. He was tolerable in Infinity War, but I don't know, I'm not a fan. 1/10Thirst level: 4/10


第13名,尼克‧福瑞 (Nick Fury)。

Crystal: He’s a bit too old for my taste, but I could get behind some Nick Fury action. 5/10Jenna: I’m very curious to see a younger Fury in Captain Marvel. I don't want to bang him, but I do wanna hang out with him. 3.5/10Thirst level: 4.25/10


第12名,東尼‧史塔克 (Tony Stark)。

Crystal: Look, I get that Iron Man is the one that kicked off the MCU, and for that I applaud him, but grading on a scale of 1 to please-stop-wearing-bootcut-jeans...meh? Tony Stark has a lot of fun gadgets and a kick-ass house, but I’m just not attracted to him?! 3/10Jenna: Robert Downey Jr is an attractive man, and he’s GREAT as Tony Stark. But do I want to fuck Tony Stark? Ehhhh. There’s some pretty tough competition here (SO MANY CHRISES!), so he’s not high on my Avengers To Fuck list. 5.5/10Thirst level: 4.25/10


第11名,幻視 (Vision)。

Crystal: I feel like on paper Vision should be attractive but like...nah. I just can’t take that cape seriously! Although, given that he is kind of a robot (or used to be, IDK, I’m kind of confused about what Vision really is) he probably has a lot of great ~insight~ into pleasures of the flesh. So, that’s good? 6/10Jenna: I’m pretty ambivalent about Vision. Like, I don’t love him and I don’t dislike him. I’m mildly invested in his relationship with Wanda, but I wouldn’t miss that plotline if it went away. Still, I feel like he’d be an ~attentive~ partner. 4.5/10Thirst level: 5.25/10


第10名,綠巨人浩克布魯斯‧班納 (Bruce Banner)。

Crystal: Like, he’s fine. But in all honesty, Bruce Banner is boring and I’d rather not hook up with the Hulk because I’m quite happy having my vagina intact thank you very much. 4/10Jenna: Mark Ruffalo is sexy (I have a lot of Feelings about his chest hair), and he brings a sweetness to Banner that is VERY appealing. But like, can Banner actually fuck? I know we mostly ignore The Incredible Hulk but there was a whole plot point in that about how he can’t (lmao). He has grown and evolved since then, of course, so maybe it’s under control. Still, the whole Hulk thing would present a challenge. 7.5/10Thirst level: 5.75/10


第9名,洛基 (Loki)。

Crystal: I know I’m not alone when I say Loki is weirdly very attractive. IDK, maybe it’s not weird? Sure, he’s a “BAD GUY” (whatever), but the boy has got looks that could kill. Also, REALLY into the long dark hair — he’s basically every ‘00s emo girl’s dream. 9/10 Jenna: See, I feel weird because I’m NOT attracted to him and everyone else seems to be. I mean, I think Tom Hiddleston is incredibly handsome in real life, and I could watch him bite his lip all day. But as Loki I find him almost...repulsive? Like, the dark hair and brows do not suit him IMHO. Especially since I can’t unsee that Tommy Wiseau meme. 3.5/10Thirst level: 6.25


第8名,獵鷹 (Sam Wilson)。

Crystal: I feel like I would need to see more shirtless Falcon to judge this properly. I mean, he’s cute and funny, which is always a winning combo. Also, I’m pretty sure out of all the Avengers, he’d be the one your parents would actually approve of, ya know? 7/10Jenna: Sam is pretty hot, he’s brave, and he’s a great friend. Sure, he hasn’t got the speed or stamina of Cap, but he’s not bad for a regular human. 7/10Thirst level: 7/10


第7名,恩巴庫 (M’Baku)。

Crystal: The only actually thicc character in MCU. I didn’t come up with the phrase, but that’s not going to stop me from using it: “More like YUM’BAKU, amirite?” 9/10Jenna: MmmMMMMmmm’Baku. A fierce warrior, a great leader, a sexy guy. Here for this. 8/10Thirst level: 8.5/10


第6名,星爵 (Peter Quill)。

Crystal: I love Peter so much, it’s not even funny. He may not be as “muscle-y” as Thor or Cap, but the guy still looks incredible without a shirt. And he is CLEARLY the funniest and most clever character in the MCU, so I’d be down to ride his ~ship~ anyday. 10/10Jenna: Look, I’m a little angry with Peter after Infinity War, which has knocked him down the teensiest notch for me. But I still enjoy him, overall. He could be the Sam to my Diane, for sure. 7/10 Thirst level: 8.5/10


第5名,帝查拉 (T’Challa)。

Crystal: T’Challa is a near-perfect human being...he’s smart, has ridiculously good looks, and, ya know, is a literal KING?! His only fault is that he’s kind of boring? Sorry, but like, Killmonger was WAY more interesting imo. All that said, I doubt there’s anyone who could wear a skin-tight nanotech suit quite as magnificently as he does. 8.5/10Jenna: T’Challa is beautiful, sexy, and smart. I love his quiet confidence. And not many people could pull off that suit, but he totally does. I’d like to get my claws into him (or let him get his claws into me???). 8.5/10Thirst level: 8.5/10


第4名,巴奇‧巴恩斯 (Bucky Barnes)。

Crystal: You know, I didn’t think Bucky was that hot in The First Avenger, but when he came back in Winter Soldier with that emo AF makeover I was like, “OH. OKAY. I get it, I see this.” WTF is it with long, dark hair and a smokey eye that makes a dude hot?! Bonus: you know he could work some pretty AMAZING magic with that super-strong arm of his. 9/10Jenna: World War II Bucky? Yes. Winter Soldier Bucky? Hell yes. White Wolf Bucky? Yes, yes, yes. Just yes. 8.5/10Thirst level: 8.75/10


第3名,海姆達爾 (Heimdall)。

Crystal: Oh, I am definitely here for some Heimdall…HEIMDALL OVER THAT! Anytime, anywhere. My one teeny, tiny complaint would be that he seems like the kind of dude that would put work before anything else. Like, ya know, our PASSIONATE LOVE AFFAIR. 9.5/10Jenna: Maybe it’s the giant sword, maybe it’s those all-seeing eyes, maybe it’s just Idris Fucking Elba, but whatever it is, Heimdall is one sexy-ass guardian. He could pierce all nine of my realms, if ya know what I mean. 9/10Thirst level: 9.25/10


第2名,美國隊長 (Steve Rogers)。

Crystal: This centenarian is pure fire. He may be a 100-year-old virgin, but I’d happily help him remedy that STAT. If Cap has one flaw, though (huge emphasis on IF), it’s that he’s TOO perfect. *Remembers shirtless scene in The First Avenger* I’m sorry, did I say he has a flaw? I was wrong. 9.9/10 Jenna: Listen, I love Steve Rogers with my whole soul. He is pure and good and really fucking hot. He’s always been a snack, but now that he has a beard and longer hair he is a goddamn 10-course meal. Like, I just want him to take his giant Dorito of a body and freaking crush me with it. And then cuddle me afterwards and whisper sweet nothings into my ear while I nestle in his soft, soft beard. 10/10Thirst level: 9.95/10


第1名,索爾 (Thor)。

Crystal: Let me just start by saying I have eyes and they work. Thus, I can say without doubt that Thor is fucking hot. The god of thunder could take me down under ANY. DAMN. DAY. Oh, and Thor is funny AF (even if he doesn’t mean to be). This is literally the perfect combination. 10/10Jenna: I was never into Chris Hemsworth until he started playing Thor. Which is a good indication of just how hot I find Thor, because some might say I’m a bit obsessed with Hemsworth now. AND HE’S ONLY GOTTEN HOTTER WITH EACH MOVIE! He can ragna my rok ANY TIME. Preferably all the time. Forever. 10/10Thirst level: 10/10





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