在加拿大安大略省的彼得堡有一只可爱的小驴子叫做小提姆 (Tiny Tim) ,他是在去年夏天出生的,只不过虽然他是在农场出生,但他大多时间却是在屋子里和主人以及狗狗朋友一起玩耍,也因如此,他的生活习惯和狗狗也越来越像。
虽然小提姆很喜欢在外面玩耍,但他却像狗狗一样喜欢睡在室内的床上,更喜欢玩你丢我捡的游戏等等。主人乔迪 (Jody) 哀伤表示,小提姆的妈妈在把他生出来后,就立刻抛弃了他,虽然他们曾试着让这对母子建立良好的关系,但却发现母驴对自己的儿子非常暴力,让乔迪他们不得不介入处理。
I would just like to thank everyone that supports my donkey obsession lol. I love this little guy more than anything. He is a very special little guy with a big personality. He’s very smart and well taken care of. Unfortunately I had to block one viewer that was adamant, saying I was abusing him by being on a leash and the humane society should be called. Nothing is further from the truth, as you can see he is loved by all that have met him. His Vet looked after him for two weeks while we were away and there has never been any reason for concern. He has a better life than alot of people. Thank you for following Tiny ?
由 Tiny Tim the Mini Donkey 贴上了 2017年12月30日
参考资料:Daily Mail