
《玩命關頭》「羅曼」泰瑞斯吉布森 (Tyrese Gibson) 11月1日在臉書PO淚崩影片說要退出《玩命關頭9》,還直言「巨石強森毀了整個家庭!」他也在IG上傳自己跟巨石強森的合照,揚言「若《玩命關頭9》有巨石強森,那就不會有『羅曼』!」   前陣子有消息指《玩命9》檔期順延

November 3, 2017

《玩命關頭》「羅曼」泰瑞斯吉布森 (Tyrese Gibson) 11月1日在臉書PO淚崩影片說要退出《玩命關頭9》,還直言「巨石強森毀了整個家庭!」他也在IG上傳自己跟巨石強森的合照,揚言「若《玩命關頭9》有巨石強森,那就不會有『羅曼』!」












Please guys pray for me and my wife’s strength and love…. Women of our world our QUEENS – please stand in prayer with my wife…. and our angel SHAYLA ….. #DaddyLovesYouShaylaNoMatterWhat We are Not just married we are happily married that’s when this unexpected attack happened – I’m ONLY speaking out publicly Because I’ve learned SO much I’m from the hood but have never ever been on trail I repeat EVER……. My main take away is speak TRUTH to POWER and IF you’re telling the truth you should never ever settle for what they’re offering cause we did nothing wrong…… I’m on my way back to court…. I guess this week after being away from my angel for 60 days no text, no calls, no Facetime and an empty room and bed with no kisses at night before bed me and my wife have been suffering just like I know other real and involved “fathers” have been suffering so I’m on my way and I hope and pray that the your honor in good conscious make the decision to protect our angel – NoRMA I don’t hate you I just simply and literally moved on – I’m not just married I’m HAPPILY MARRIED to Shaylas example, Yes is true I didn’t just selfishly marry I was on a mission to find my daughters example, her blueprint, her consistent point of reference for what class and sophistication and the power of education and being selfless a feminist, activist, women’s marches working inside the prison systems, children’s services that’s WHO I married proud Shayla I married a licensed social worker and she’s SO SO SO powerful and amazing and like your father she’s in LOVE with the lord Jesus Christ…….. I’m almost out of money……. but I want you to know I’m willing to liquidate and lose it all cause I’m not a Singer, I’m not an actor I’m not a man with material possessions I’m Shaylas FATHER…………………………………. Pray for us….. please men and women of God pray for us and we have been and still doing the same for you…….. “Father” a full on committed FATHER…… Fathers worldwide please I wanna share with you something I learned google Psychology #Enmeshment and watch videos – then google what’s called #ParentingAlienation This is illegal, damaging and very harming to our innocent angels and its causes lifetime effects if you don’t get in on it early……. Please don’t make this about men vs women that’s not what this is please it’s about FATHERS vs LIERS – And the lies that people are ENMESHED IN!!!!!!!! One day I will get you back…….. One day your mother needs help…. And if I lose you over this post…… I hope they ultimately decide to do what’s IN your best interest…… But no MATTER WHAT I WILL NEVER EVER GIVE UP ON YOU AND I WILL NEVER ATOP PRESENTING FACTS…….. Being honest in honorable and Me and your new step mother are raising an honorable little girl….. God will get you back to me I promise you…. he will…. I’m Jesus name we pray….. and yes fathers were praying for you too…. When we do right we should ALL be rewarded with our babies…….. we work HARD and put it all on the line for our babies…….. Honorable Queens and mothers of the world I just wanna send my love and Say THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by Tyrese Gibson on 2017年11月1日



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分類:星聞, 世界, 台灣
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