
1. 22歲白斑症女模Winnie Harlow,她的美麗黑膚上有著一點一點的白色,非常獨特。日前,她在遊艇渡假時穿上性感的比堅尼,把像繪畫一樣漂亮又迷人的身體展現出來!   2. 簡單的比堅尼讓她的腰部和背部更完美,獨特的黑白膚色也讓人著迷。 廣告1   3. 根據《每日郵報》,

May 30, 2017

1. 22歲白斑症女模Winnie Harlow,她的美麗黑膚上有著一點一點的白色,非常獨特。日前,她在遊艇渡假時穿上性感的比堅尼,把像繪畫一樣漂亮又迷人的身體展現出來!

Racy! Winnie Harlow took rumoured flame Lewis Hamilton's mind off the track with a very racy thong-style bikini as the pair partied on a super yacht in Monte Carlo with a bevy of models on Sunday, including Bella Hadid and Barbara Palvin


2. 簡單的比堅尼讓她的腰部和背部更完美,獨特的黑白膚色也讓人著迷。

Racy! Winnie Harlow took rumoured flame Lewis Hamilton's mind off the track with a very racy thong-style bikini as the pair partied on a super yacht in Monte Carlo with a bevy of models on Sunday, including Bella Hadid and Barbara Palvin


3. 根據《每日郵報》,她的新緋聞對象賽車手路易斯·漢米爾頓 (Lewis Hamilton),也有在遊艇上跟她一起玩樂,兩人相處得非常開心。

Who needs a win? Just an hour after he lost the Monte Carlo Formula One race, Lewis looked in great spirits as he got touch feely with gorgeous Winnie 


4. 據悉,賽車手路易斯在他輸掉摩納哥大獎賽的一小時後,就到遊艇上跟她碰面。

Back on? Winnie and Lewis reignited romance rumours when she was spotted caressing his neck at Thursday night's glamorous amfAR gala during Cannes Film Festival


5. 兩人會傳出緋聞,是因為在前陣子的美國艾滋病研究基金晚會上,她被發現在愛撫他的脖子。

Rumoured couple: Winnie flashed a big smile as got ready for a jet ski ride with her sports mad rumoured beau


6. 白斑女模Winnie Harlow,是在參加《超級名模生死鬥》後成名的。

All eyes on her: Winnie, who has the skin condition vitiligo, was full of body confidence as she sunned herself on deck 


7. 她患有白斑症 (Vitiligo),身上會出現不規則的白色斑駁。

Glam: The model flashed her pert posterior in her metallic red and silver thong-style two piece 


8. 這使她在小時候總是被霸凌,她也曾經表示,自己從來沒有想過有一天會在時尚界取得成功。


9. 最近,她也直言不想成為所謂的「榜樣」,因為她覺得人不應該去效仿其他人。

I got you babe: Winnie was determined to get the party started following Lewis' disappointed run at the Monte Carlo race


10. 她曾經告訴加拿大的《Elle》,「我覺得我是一個靈感,我比較喜歡這個詞。」

What a view! The star who shot to fame on America's Next Top Model, proved why she is so in demand as a model


11. 「我不相信我必須要成為一個榜樣,然後被人模仿。」

Model mates: Winnie and Bella have been partying together in Europe for the last few days, hitting Cannes and Monaco
在遊艇上的明星包括名模貝拉・哈蒂德 (Bella Hadi) 和芭芭拉·帕爾文 (Barbara Palvin)。


12. 「我的母親總是啟發我,我從她身上得到很棒的東西,但有一些事情我是跟母親不一樣的。」

Ready to hit the water: Winnie made sure she had all the safety gear as she waited for the jet skis to come out


13. 路易斯否認緋聞,但有照片拍到她勾著路易斯的手臂,並在對方耳邊低語。

Bevy of beauties: Bella and Winnie both chose the skimpiest of bikinis to make the most of the scorching temperatures



Back with Lewis? Winnie and Lewis reignited romance rumours when she was spotted caressing his neck at Thursday night's glamorous amfAR gala during Cannes Film Festival



Love life whispers: They were originally linked romantically last year, despite Lewis denying they were dating



Love life whispers: They were originally linked romantically last year, despite Lewis denying they were dating



Close: Lewis and Winnie seemed inseparable on board as the F1 racer joked around with the beaming model



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