
中國一年一度舉行的廣西玉林狗肉節,每年都會屠殺近3000隻狗。幸運地,在動物保護組織的極力抗爭下,當地政府今年禁止售賣狗肉。如果有餐館、攤販及商人違反規定販賣狗肉的話,最高可被罰款10萬元人民幣 (約43萬元新台幣),以及有被捕的風險。   根據《每日郵報》,禁售

May 19, 2017

中國一年一度舉行的廣西玉林狗肉節,每年都會屠殺近3000隻狗。幸運地,在動物保護組織的極力抗爭下,當地政府今年禁止售賣狗肉。如果有餐館、攤販及商人違反規定販賣狗肉的話,最高可被罰款10萬元人民幣 (約43萬元新台幣),以及有被捕的風險。





去年,美國動保分子Marc Ching曾去中國的屠宰場,試圖拯救更多的狗狗。根據他的臉書訊息,他跟他的同伴已拯救了超過1000隻狗狗。

This is live. This is now: The Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation, and The Tree of Life – we just rescued over 1000 dogs from Yulin. A thousand breaths that would die here in the dark. A thousand lives that would bleed like blood left there upon ground. These dogs, they are brothers. They are sisters. They are fathers and mothers. They are children. They deserve a chance. All life deserves chance. The Compassion Project. If it is about one thing, it is about that as human beings, we were meant to love. We were meant to breathe life. We were meant to be – better then who we are. Speak out. Hold hands. Love the Earth. And rescue. Because in the end, even we need rescuing. (Thank you Tree Of Life for teaming with us to make this possible. Thank you XiaoFang and our Nanning team for your hard and enduring work. Thank you to our Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation volunteers. Real people that left their families – to stand here and sacrifice for the cause. Unreal.) #TheCompassionProject #animalhopeandwellness #SpeakTheTruth

Posted by The Animal Hope & Wellness Foundation on 2016年6月21日



People dreamed about this. People signed petitions and protested. People wrote their congressman and government. People filled the streets and stood in unison. Well that dream, it is becoming reality. We have shut down six slaughterhouses, have five pending, and are on our way to visit a dozen more. To those that thought it was impossible – it is becoming possible. For people who cried and screamed into the night, hope remains. The reality of shutting down a festival where 10,000 dogs die, is that you have thousands of lives that need rescue. We cannot do this alone. I have till tomorrow to save the lives that need saving. The world wanted the festival to end, and we are here trying to end it. We need local rescues to step in. I can take 100 dogs, maybe 200. But that is all. Literally we have the smallest foundation on Earth. It is just me and my director Valarie Ianniello. There are groups that are a hundred times greater then we. There are hundreds of organizations that petitioned and stood out in protest. This is the time. Do not desert the cause you asked the world to defend. Do not leave us here by ourselves. Do not abandon the mission. Note: For those that want to help rescue these dogs and shutdown Yulin, please donate. #TheCompassionProject #marcching #TheHeartOfRescue #animalhopeandwellness

Posted by The Animal Hope & Wellness Foundation on 2016年6月20日



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分類:台灣, 世界, 動物
加入粉絲團! 中國玉林狗肉節每年屠殺3000隻狗狗,今年政府終於「禁售狗肉」全球鼓掌!台灣在這方面受到稱讚!留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友