
今年21歲的約翰 (John Cronin) 是名唐氏症兒,活潑好動的他,其實是名運動好手,不只熱愛足球、保齡球、籃球、雪鞋、田徑、曲棍球等,也是特殊奥林匹克運動會 (Special Olympics) 的忠實粉絲。事實上,他也在本月被選為美國雪鞋國家隊的候補選手。而每年十一月,他都會

March 13, 2017

今年21歲的約翰 (John Cronin) 是名唐氏症兒,活潑好動的他,其實是名運動好手,不只熱愛足球、保齡球、籃球、雪鞋、田徑、曲棍球等,也是特殊奥林匹克運動會 (Special Olympics) 的忠實粉絲。事實上,他也在本月被選為美國雪鞋國家隊的候補選手。而每年十一月,他都會參加「北極跳水」(Polar Plunge) 慈善活動,為特殊奧運募款。

不過,為了能籌備更多錢,幫助自己熱愛的賽事,他決定和父親馬克 (Mark) 一起開設網路店鋪,「John’s Crazy Socks (約翰的瘋狂襪子)」販售襪子,將5%所得捐給特殊奧運會。


另外,他們販售的襪子也與其他機構合作,例如下面這款上頭有著拼圖樣式的襪子 Autism Awareness Crew Socks,便是為了喚起大家對於自閉症的重視,每賣出一雙,便會捐出2塊美金給相關機構。




約翰的經營理念是,「對於John’s Crazy Socks,我們的訴求淺顯意見:襪子、襪子、更多的襪子!但不是隨隨便便的襪子。我們希望這些襪子能帶給世界一些改變,帶給你笑容與歡樂,抓住你的心,增添你生活的樂趣。」






John Speaks about Autism Awareness

John Speaks about Our Autism Awareness Sock John Cronin, our co-founder and inspiration, has Down syndrome, and every day demonstrates how his limitations do not define him. Many of his friends have autism and we wanted to do something to honor their achievements, contributions and struggles. Therefore, we offer an Autism Awareness Socks and we are donating $1 from the sale of each pair of socks to the Nassau/Suffolk Autism Society of America- NSASA. We made this choice based on feedback from our customers and Facebook community. You can get a pair by clicking here: http://ow.ly/P4IV308hCMk The socks feature the brightly colored puzzle that represents the puzzling nature of autism. It represents the way people with autism fit into society. And the bright colors speak to the hope we create by raising awareness of autism. Each pair costs only $8 and $1 will go to the local branch of The Autism Society of America. Thanks to the good folks at Socksmith for their design. Don’t wait, you can get a pair here: http://ow.ly/P4IV308hCMk

Posted by John’s Crazy Socks on Monday, January 23, 2017

來源:The LAD Bible|John’s Crazy Socks


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加入粉絲團! 21歲唐氏兒當初說「要創業」只有爸媽支持,現在當老闆「訂單接到手軟」屌打所有人!留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友