
在美國奧古斯塔,名為「珍珠」的4歲狗狗非常胖,被發現遭前主人遺棄在停車場時,體重高達36公斤,已經到會危害生命的程度,心臟隨時都有可能停止。   廣告1   管理「Dog Networking Agents」的海莉 (Hayley Zielinski) 表示,「狗狗的肥胖是病態的,她不能走路,也無法

March 11, 2017


The Jack Russell mix was once so fat she had to be moved using a sheet but shed three stones thanks to a strict diet and the use of an underwater treadmill. She is pictured weighing 80lbs


Pearl lost a pound a month, but suffered dangerous complications including pneumonia due to her lack of fitness. The dog is pictured here before weight-loss, when she had to be wheeled around


管理「Dog Networking Agents」的海莉 (Hayley Zielinski) 表示,「狗狗的肥胖是病態的,她不能走路,也無法移動頭部,因為脖子太大了。」

Before her diet regime she was so unhealthy that vets said her heart could have stopped at any second. She is seen here at the very early stages of her weight loss



Pearl was not always happy at being made to work



She was abandoned in a car park on Kensington Driver, Augusta, by her cruel owners. She is pictured mid-way through her weight-loss regime exercising in the gym


The dog went through a testing health and fitness regime to lose weight, including rolling on an exercise ball



Hayley Zielinski,(pictured) originally from Merthyr Tydfil, Wales, said: 'I'm really proud of her. She went from being trapped in her own body and scared of the outside world to confident'



Pearl has far more energy now she has shed nearly half of her body weight



The Dog Networking Agents are a non-profit organisation who help abandoned and shelter pets find new homes. Pictured: Pearl after her grueling regime, which included surgery to remove excess skin



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分類:台灣, 世界, 動物
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