
對Snapchat執行長伊萬·斯皮格 (Evan Spiegel) 來說,人生真的很順遂。他的公司Snap Inc. 週四以330億美元 (約台幣1兆) 上市,他個人的身價也高達56億美元。高富帥的他未婚妻還是名模米蘭達·寇兒 (Miranda Kerr)…而他今年才26歲。他是最年輕的億萬富翁之一,說他是

March 8, 2017

對Snapchat執行長伊萬·斯皮格 (Evan Spiegel) 來說,人生真的很順遂。他的公司Snap Inc. 週四以330億美元 (約台幣1兆) 上市,他個人的身價也高達56億美元。高富帥的他未婚妻還是名模米蘭達·寇兒 (Miranda Kerr)…而他今年才26歲。他是最年輕的億萬富翁之一,說他是人生勝利組,一點也不為過。






Spiegel grew up in the Pacific Palisades, a ritzy Los Angeles enclave just east of Malibu. He is the older son of two Ivy League-educated lawyers. His parents divorced when he was in high school.


中學時他就讀非常難進入的十字路藝術與科學學校 (Crossroads School),這所學校不僅要價不貲,也是許多名流的母校,包括Tinder共同創辦人Sean Rad、凱特·哈德森 (Kate Hudson)、喬納·希爾 (Jonah Hill)、傑克·布萊克 (Jack Black)、葛妮絲·派特洛 (Gwyneth Paltrow) 等人都曾就讀於此。

Spiegel spent his early years at an ultra-exclusive school called Crossroads in Santa Monica, which costs tens of thousands per academic year. Other notable alumni include Tinder cofounder Sean Rad, Kate Hudson, Jonah Hill, Jack Black, and Gwyneth Paltrow.


斯皮格16歲取得駕照時,爸媽就送了他一台凱迪拉克Escalade,他都停在學校附近旁邊受管制的南加州愛迪生公司停車場,因為他的父親在能源危機時是該間公司的律師。當時在紅牛 (Red Bull) 公司作行銷實習生的斯皮格認為應該要一台更省油的車,於是寫信要爸媽借他一台約230萬元的BMW 550i。

Around the time that he landed a marketing internship with Red Bull, Spiegel decided that he wanted a more fuel-efficient car to drive around the city in. In a letter from 2008, Spiegel asked his parents to lease him a BMW 550i, which retails for about $75,000. "Cars bring me sheer joy," he wrote. "I would really appreciate you validating me and all of my hard work by leasing the BMW."




斯皮格大學在史丹佛就讀產品設計,度過了一段年少輕狂的大學時光。他也是在那裡認識未來的Snapchat共同創辦人,Reggie Brown跟鮑比·墨菲 (Bobby Murphy)。

Spiegel went on to study product design at Stanford (his father's alma mater), where he met future Snapchat cofounders Reggie Brown and Bobby Murphy.


他們三人都是Kappa Sigma兄弟會成員。雖然斯皮格自己說:「我們都不酷,所以我們試著做出很酷的東西。」但他卻是兄弟會中的公關主席,從一些被洩漏出的信件看來,他也很愛辦派對。

"We weren't cool," Murphy later told Forbes, "so we tried to build things to be cool."



The three were members of the Kappa Sigma fraternity. Spiegel was social chair, and judging from leaked emails, he was quite the partier.



Spiegel befriended Intuit founder Scott Cook after he gave a talk at one class. Cook ended up letting Spiegel work on a product Intuit planned to release in India while he worked on his undergrad.




即使後來他們總部搬到Venice boardwalk,斯皮格也仍舊住在爸爸的房子好幾年,主要原因是「租金很便宜」。

Though Snapchat eventually moved to offices on the Venice boardwalk, Spiegel lived at his dad's house for years, in part because "the rent is cheap."


在2013年時,Reggie Brown對斯皮格跟鮑比·墨菲提出訴訟,原因是他被逼出公司且拿到的錢不合理。最後Snapchat公司付了他1.57億美元 (約台幣48億) 達成和解。

Reggie Brown filed a lawsuit against Spiegel and Murphy in 2013 after he was forced out of the company and not given equity. The lawsuit was eventually settled, and Snapchat paid Brown $157.5 million to disappear.


2014年時斯皮格搬出他爸的家,住進位於布倫特伍德,約330萬美元 (約1億台幣) 的房子。不過在那之前,最轟動的事件大概是臉書創辦人馬克祖克伯 (Mark Zuckerberg) 想以30億美元收購,卻被斯皮格拒絕!

Spiegel moved out of his dad's house in November 2014 and bought his own three-bedroom house in Brentwood for $3.3 million.



It wasn't long before would-be acquirers came knocking on Spiegel's door to buy Snapchat. He famously rebuffed a $3 billion offer from Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg in 2013.



Spiegel was romantically linked with pop superstar Taylor Swift for a brief time. The two reportedly met in December 2013 at a New Year's Eve party.


斯皮格本身也對音樂產業極有興趣,索尼娛樂的執行長Michael Lynton還是Snap公司的董事長。據傳斯皮格還想買下泰勒絲的所屬公司大機器唱片,不過多年來仍無下文。

Spiegel has been fascinated with the music industry for years, and Sony Entertainment CEO Michael Lynton is Snap's board chairman. Spiegel was reportedly interested in buying Big Machine, the record label that represents Swift, though the deal never went through.


在2015年夏天,斯皮格也開始跟名模米蘭達寇兒約會,兩人是在2014年LV晚餐時認識。兩人在2016年買下要價美金1200萬 (台幣約3.7億),原屬哈里遜福德,佔地202坪的豪宅。

Spiegel started dating supermodel Miranda Kerr during the summer of 2015. They first met at a 2014 dinner for Louis Vuitton.



Things moved quickly after that: the power couple announced that they were engaged in July 2016.



Spiegel cares about fashion more than most tech CEOs. He made headlines in October 2015 for appearing on the cover of Vogue Italy.


在2016年9月,斯皮格將Snapchat改名Snap Inc.,同時公開附相機功能的眼鏡「Spectacles」。

In September 2016, Spiegel renamed Snapchat to Snap Inc. and called it a "camera company." He also unveiled camera-equipped sunglasses called Spectacles.



The 26-year-old has been named the youngest self-made billionaire in the world by Forbes for the past two years. He has an estimated net worth of about $5.6 billion based on Snap's public offering.


Snap Inc向來對自己的計劃保密到家,就連內部員工有時都要等產品發表後才知道公司在做什麼。不管怎樣,這位天之驕子的下一步肯定又會引發科技資訊業的波動!

Going forward, Spiegel's mission at Snap is to "reinvent the camera." He's positioned his company as the anti-Facebook for communicating with only your closest friends, and he recently told the LA Times that he wants to "inspire creation."




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加入粉絲團! 人生勝利組26歲Snapchat執行長「最年輕56億富翁擁超模嬌妻」,26歲的他:人生本就不公平!留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友