
以下整理出27個看起來超荒謬,但偏偏會讓你不小心手滑的爆笑創意廚房好物! 1. 芥末醬瓶蓋。 (購買連結) 廣告1   2. 尿盆烈酒杯。 (購買連結)   3. 削紅蘿蔔器。 (購買連結) 廣告2   4. 蛋黃蛋清分離器 (鼻涕啊啊啊啊) (購買連結) 廣告3   5. 手指叉子。 (購買連結)   6

February 19, 2017


1. 芥末醬瓶蓋。

This bottle topper that gives you a nice steady stream on your condiments.


2. 尿盆烈酒杯。

These urinal shot glasses that will get you pissed drunk.


3. 削紅蘿蔔器。

This carrot sharpener that's here to sharpen your flavors.


4. 蛋黃蛋清分離器 (鼻涕啊啊啊啊)

This egg separator that's probably one of the worst ways to make breakfast.


5. 手指叉子。

This set of finger sporks for an eating challenge.


6. 酸黃瓜夾。

This pickle picker to pick your pickled peppers playfully.


7. 熱狗塑形器。

This ham dogger to turn any meat into a hot dog.


8. 鹽罐、胡椒罐的豬情侶。

This salt and pepper set that's makin' bacon.


9. 馬桶吸盤造型紅酒塞。


10. 蜘蛛馬克杯。


11. 增加口感風味的啤酒振動器。


12. 泡泡紙造型隔熱手套。

This bubble wrap oven mitt with the right amount of tactile feels.


13. 蛋燒生成器。



14. 花朵造型鍋子蒸氣釋放器。

This flower pot prop that spins when the heat is on.


15. 馬鈴薯壓泥器。

This dinosaur masher that's sure to make potatoes scream out in terror.


16. 避免被偷吃的蟑螂貼午餐袋。(自己也會被嚇到?)

These cockroach printed sandwich bags to keep people from eating your stuff and probably talking to you for the rest of the day.


17. 魔術方蛋塑形器。

This egg cuber to add some dimension to your eggs.


18. 牙籤罐人。

This toothpick holder that's pretty fucking brutal.


19. 檸檬汁萃取器。

This citrus reamer that looks like some terrible alien probe.


20. 玻璃杯具。

This glass decanter that's like a glass Boa constrictor.


21. 車子造型大蒜切片器。



22. 熱狗切具。

This hot dog curler to spiral-up anything sausage shaped.


23. 擠檸檬器。



24. 鱷魚造型刨絲器。

This alli-grater that seems like a great grater.


25. 罐裝啤酒起泡機。

This snap-on beer pourer to make canned beer taste like it's from the tap.


26. 口味增添香蕉注射器。



27. 專為製作法國血鴨的壓鴨機。

And this duck carcass presser to squeeze out all those precious juices from their dead bodies to use in ~sauces~.



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分類:美食, 世界, 小物
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