
1. 芹菜含有硝酸鹽,以微波加熱的話會變成致癌的亞硝胺。   2. 隔夜的早餐千萬不要放進微波爐。   可是,把冷的雞蛋加入沙拉或三明治卻是一個健康的重用方法。 廣告1   3. 就像芹菜一樣,菠菜中的硝酸鹽被微波加熱後會對身體有害。   4. 菇類中的化學成份會在微波過程中

January 18, 2017

1. 芹菜含有硝酸鹽,以微波加熱的話會變成致癌的亞硝胺。

Celery has nitrates that can turn into carcinogenic (cancer-causing) nitrosamines after reheating in the microwave.


2. 隔夜的早餐千萬不要放進微波爐。

Don't put that leftover breakfast in the microwave; instead, toss eggs into a salad or sandwich for a cold and healthy way to reuse them.


3. 就像芹菜一樣,菠菜中的硝酸鹽被微波加熱後會對身體有害。

Just like celery, the nitrates in spinach can become dangerous after reheating in the microwave.


4. 菇類中的化學成份會在微波過程中被改變,可能造成胃痛和腹脹。

The chemical makeup of a mushroom changes in the microwave, which can cause stomach aches and bloating.


5. 馬鈴薯也在清單上!重新加熱後的馬鈴薯會失去營養,更有可能造成肉毒桿菌中毒。

Surprisingly, potatoes are on the list. Reheated potatoes lose their nutritional benefits and can become a source of botulism when heated.


6. 雞的蛋白質會在微波中產生變化,讓人的胃不舒服。

Chicken's protein composition also changes in the microwave, which can make you feel sick to your stomach.


7. 新鮮的甜菜含有很高的硝酸鹽,一定要遠離微波爐!

Beets are better fresh, and the high level of nitrates makes keeping them away from the microwave the safest bet.


8. 米飯會保存很多細菌,而微波並不能把它們殺掉。煮好米飯的話一定要盡快吃,要不然馬上放進冰箱。

Rice can hold incredible amounts of bacteria, and microwaving doesn't kill the spores. Make sure to eat rice immediately or put it in the fridge very soon after cooking.

來源 : Viralnova


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