
日前Ben到了3家價格很不一樣的刺青店,想看看價值分別為2600、13000和28000新台幣的刺青,到底哪一個比較值得?他第一家嘗試的是在加州經營了超過23年的「Tattoo Lounge」。   由於他非常喜歡《彼得潘》,所以Patrick Thomas為他設計了2顆星星圖案,代表故事中的永無島

January 9, 2017

日前Ben到了3家價格很不一樣的刺青店,想看看價值分別為2600、13000和28000新台幣的刺青,到底哪一個比較值得?他第一家嘗試的是在加州經營了超過23年的「Tattoo Lounge」。

The first tattoo shop was "Tattoo Lounge" which has been in Venice, CA for 23 years. Ben decided he really wanted to compliment the moon tattoo he already has by sticking with a space theme. He also loves the book Peter Pan, so he chose to get the two stars that represent where Neverland is located.


由於他非常喜歡《彼得潘》,所以Patrick Thomas為他設計了2顆星星圖案,代表故事中的永無島,價值為2600新台幣!

His tattoo artist was Patrick Thomas aka "The Gentlest Hands On The Boulevard." He designed two stars with some character and flare to "dress up" Ben's idea. This tattoo cost $80.



The whole experience was so enjoyable, that it inspired Jared (the cameraman) to get a tattoo of his daughter's name too!


他之後到了在1992年開店,位於好萊塢的「Body Electric Tattoo」。而這一次,Ben打算挑戰另一部經典的故事:《查理與巧克力工廠》。

Next up, was Body Electric Tattoo in Hollywood, CA which has been open since 1992. For this tat, Ben wanted to draw on another classic: Willy Wonka. He decided on getting the elevator that they crash through the glass ceiling in, but have it soaring through outer space.


負責這一次刺青的藝術家Mike G,表示刺青最重要的是兩人之間的信任。他最後創作一個充滿著太空行星元素的刺青,沒想到讓Ben的女友也非常滿意?





最後他到了「Speakeasy Tattoo」,一個高級的私人工作室。在正式刺青之前,藝術家Scott Glazie已經和他談好了所有的設計和製作細節。而且,Scott Glazie不會作自己沒興趣的刺青,覺得有趣才會願意作!

Last up was Speakeasy Tattoo, a private studio and the most high-end place one can get a tattoo. Before he agrees to designing and making a tattoo, artist Scott Glazier has a consultation with clients about what their piece means -- if he's stoked about the project, he'll do it. If not, he won't.



In their private consultation, Scott and Ben discussed adding a very detailed, structured clock as another reference to Peter Pan. But, Scott wasn't sold until he had Ben dig deep and think of something super impactful in his life. Ben talked about his Aunt, who passed away suddenly last year. She had always encouraged him to pursue a creative career and he wanted to use her eyes as the centerpiece in the clock.



Scott drew up this incredible design and Ben returned to get the piece done.





At the end of the day though, which tattoo (at it's given price point) was worth it? Ben's winner was Speakeasy. To him, the piece was so personal, impactful and beautiful, that he felt he couldn't put a pricetag on it.




來源 : Buzzfeed


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加入粉絲團! 他分別嘗試了價值「2千、1萬和3萬」的刺青,「3萬塊的刺青」簡直是無價之寶!留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友