
以下是19個中世紀時代醫生治療疾病的方法……嗯,看完後你會真的很慶幸活在現代……  1. 在光天化日之下拿花瓶塞病患屁屁: 廣告1   2. 用詭異長條牙齒猛獸幫病患拔牙:   3. 瘟疫醫生戴著詭異恐怖的鳥面具現身: 廣告2   4. 當病患食物中毒後,醫

January 2, 2017


1. 在光天化日之下拿花瓶塞病患屁屁:

When your doctor decides to shove a vase up your butt in the middle of a field in broad daylight:


2. 用詭異長條牙齒猛獸幫病患拔牙:

When your dentist has to pull a giant fucking tooth worm thing out of your mouth:


3. 瘟疫醫生戴著詭異恐怖的鳥面具現身:

When the "plague doctor" shows up in a scary ass bird mask, looking more terrifying than the actual plague itself:


4. 當病患食物中毒後,醫生不想被噁爛嘔吐物碰到:

When you have food poisoning but your doctor doesn't want to get any puke stains on his new velvet robe:


5. 在開腦部手術前,整個醫療團隊會先讓自己酒醉:

When the entire medical team decides to get absolutely trashed before your head operation:


6. 當醫生在幫病患作第一百次除掉頭蝨的動作:

When your physician is pissed because they have to sweep the bugs out of your hair for the 100th time:


7. 牙醫因為手臂力量不夠,而必須一腳踏在病患胸前,借力使力才能拔牙:

When your dentist has no forearm strength so he just pushes off your chest with his muddy boot to remove a tooth:


8. 當主治醫生正在切開病患頭顱時,其他醫生在旁邊竊竊私語、講垃圾話:

When the other doctors are right next to you trash-talking your doctor's skills as he slices your head open:


9. 泌尿科醫師一邊頭頂著大碗,一邊罵病患過於腫大的睪丸:

When your urologist who wears a bowl on his head scolds you about your abnormally massive testicles:


10. 醫生直接用刀幫病患放血,還在地上擺碗裝血:

When your doctor casually cuts into your veins and lets you bleed out into a bowl on the floor:


11. 當病患肩膀脫臼,醫生不知道該怎麼接回去時:

When your physician can't figure out how to fix your shoulder so you just stand there crying-laughing:


12. 當婦產科醫生沒力氣不夠,需要其他醫生幫忙抓好病患:

When your OBGYN has really tiny legs and feet so they need to go extra lengths to get the right angle:


13. 當病患全身上下長滿天花,痛苦到不行,但醫生正忙著對天灑花:

When your doctor should be treating you for smallpox but they're too busy throwing dandelion puffs into the air:


14. 因為病患遲到,醫生一臉不滿地開頭顱手術:

When your doctor is pissed because you came in late for your appointment to get a hole drilled in your head:


15. 一邊開腦一邊做一字腿、偷練瑜珈的醫生:

When your doctor decides to just do the splits in his leggings right as he cuts your head open:


16. 醫生要病患抓著椅背上的白布條,他才好幫忙引產:

When your doctor makes you hang from a chandelier so she can deliver your adult baby:


17. 醫生要求病患擺出特定姿勢,這樣他才有辦法檢查痔瘡:

When your doctor makes you get in an interesting position so he can reach your hemorrhoids with his tiny rake:


18. 醫生會要求病患小心拿好雞蛋,這樣他才能趁你不注意時戳你的眼睛,把髒東西清出來:

When your doctor asks you to hold an egg calmly so he can poke the shit out of your eye:


19. 醫生會強迫病患喝水,或者他可能正試圖淹死病患:

When your physician forces you to chug water from a funnel and they're also maybe drowning you:



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