
Dave Sandford是一位很喜愛水的攝影師。 「從我的童年開始,我就很迷戀海洋和湖泊,以及在那裡生活的生物。」從10月中到11月中,這位專業體育攝影師每週都會去安大略省的斯坦利港,在伊利湖花好幾個小時拍照,捕捉那裡秋季的面貌。   這一系列的照片顯示了在日光浴者和

December 16, 2016

Dave Sandford是一位很喜愛水的攝影師。 「從我的童年開始,我就很迷戀海洋和湖泊,以及在那裡生活的生物。」從10月中到11月中,這位專業體育攝影師每週都會去安大略省的斯坦利港,在伊利湖花好幾個小時拍照,捕捉那裡秋季的面貌。

Dave Sandford has always been drawn to the water. "From my early childhood, I've always had a fascination with oceans and lakes, and the creatures that live within them," he told BuzzFeed Canada.


1. 他的拍攝目標,是捕捉被風吹動的湖浪沖擊碼頭時,與岸邊石灘碰撞的震撼時刻。

His goal was to capture the exact moment when lake waves driven by gusting winds collide with a rebound wave that's created when the water hits a pier and collection of boulders on the shore.


2. 「我會描述這些湖浪就像一台洗衣機。它不像海浪般有規律,他們是不穩定的,流動過整個地方,被強大的湖水支撐著,所以它也可以是一個非常危險的地方。」

"The best way I can describe the water is it’s like a washing machine. It’s not like ocean waves, where you have a nice set that’s rolling in. They are really erratic, they go all over the place, and there is a strong undertow there so it can be a very dangerous place."





4. 「有一些以前住在這裡的人聯絡我,表示這些照片觸動到他們內心,因為他們在那裡長大,知道湖水不同的樣子。」

"I’ve had a number of people cotact me that used to live by the Great Lakes .... and they said the photos really stirred something inside them because they grew up there and know what the water can be like."




6. 「有些人看到照片後,認為這不可能只是湖水的浪花,它猛烈到像海洋一樣。那是因為他們不知道湖可以產生這種大小和力量的波浪。」

"I'm hearing from other people that are blown away. They say, 'This can’t be a lake, it’s got to be an ocean.' They had no idea that a lake could generate waves of this size and force."




8. 「在這張照片中的波浪看起來像一座山。我把它印出來貼在家裡的牆。這些波浪很快,它們形成的速度非常驚人,到高峰時候爆炸開來。」

"The wave [in this photo] looks sort of like a mountain. I've already had it printed up for my own wall at home. These waves move so fast. It’s insane how fast they form, and then from the time that they form to that nice peak to exploding, it’s a mere second."


9. 「我很喜歡這個挑戰,當我在那裡,幾乎完美的高峰爆炸前,美得就像火山一樣。」

"I really enjoyed that challenge, when I was out there, of getting it when it’s in that almost perfect peak on both sides before it explodes, so it has that look of a mountain or a volcano."


10. 「只有一個晚上看得見太陽,其他時間大多數都是陰雲密布的。」

"There was only one evening where the sun broke through. Most were very overcast days."




12. 「我很享受用相機把這些美麗的瞬間凍結起來,捕捉它們達到最高的一刻。」

"I enjoy the challenge of freezing things in time. Getting them at the right moment — at the peak moment."


13. 他說運動攝影和波浪攝影都有一個重要的共同點。 「你不可以重做,你只有一個機會去拍那個畫面。」

He said his sports photography and his waves series share one important characteristic. "In all the things I’ve made my living doing in photography there are no do-overs no re-dos. You get one shot at it and that’s it, so it really helps you hone your craft."





15. 「當你在湖上,沒有工作室跟設備,也沒有人會幫你,你只可以靠自己。」

"When you're on a beach you don’t have a studio setting where you can set something or someone up and have multiple opportunities to get it. It's one and done."









19. 「每個波浪都是獨一無二的。」

"No two waves are ever the same — you either have it or you don't."

來源 : Buzzfeed


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