
巴西甲級足球隊「查比高恩斯」(Chapecoense)於哥倫比亞發生空難意外,墜機原因眾說紛紜。不過近日調查人員透露,真正失事原因恐與「謊報起飛地點」有關。   哥倫比亞民航服務安全主管表示,飛機報稱由玻利維亞中部的聖克魯茲(Santa Cruz)起飛,但當局收到由玻利維亞轉交

December 6, 2016


哥倫比亞民航服務安全主管表示,飛機報稱由玻利維亞中部的聖克魯茲(Santa Cruz)起飛,但當局收到由玻利維亞轉交的相關文件,卻顯示飛機是由北部的科維哈(Cobija)出發,而非聖克魯茲。



Colombian officials were told the doomed aircraft took off from Cobija, some 500 miles north of its actual departure point of Santa Cruz, meaning when it arrived in Medellin, it was running critically low on fuel, so when the jet was ordered to hold some 20 miles south of the airport, the pilot lost all power and crashed into a mountain 11 miles from the runway 


另外當地媒體發現,機長基羅加(Miguel Quiroga)起飛前制定的飛行計劃(flight plan)也漏洞百出。

Crew on doomed flight credit: Facebook Micky Quiroga, pilot of the plane carrying 72 people including football team from bazil that crashed coming into land in Colombia. Taken from his facebook page at request of Global news desk



The aircraft's flight plan claimed the journey would take 4 hours 22 minutes, top circle, while the aircraft's endurance was 4 hours 22 minutes - giving them no margin of error. Bolivian officials stamped the plan in the additional information box, bottom right, instead of the centre box which is marked 'Accepted By' - meaning they may not have authorised it 



The bodies of the Chapecoense team will arrive back home today after Monday's accident which claimed 71 lives
Brazilian president Michel Temer received Thiaguinho's coffin as it was taken off the aircraft after arriving in Chapeco 
Hundreds of floral tributes were left on the field as the coffins were paraded on the pitch one final time 
The team was virtually wiped out on Monday after the aircraft crashed into a mountainside 11 miles from the destination



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