
1. 2008年,數本由古鉛片製成的金屬書於約旦被人發現。據了解,這些可能是最早展示耶穌經歷的記載。   2. 這套金屬書只以簡單圓環裝訂在一起,宛如一本環形活頁夾。 廣告1   3.    4. 專家解譯書上的古希伯來文單詞與符號後,認為這本書很可能來自當年耶穌傳道時期。 廣

December 3, 2016

1. 2008年,數本由古鉛片製成的金屬書於約旦被人發現。據了解,這些可能是最早展示耶穌經歷的記載。

An ancient set of lead tablets showing the earliest portrait of Jesus Christ have proved to be around 2,000 years old, according to experts


2. 這套金屬書只以簡單圓環裝訂在一起,宛如一本環形活頁夾。

Authors David and Jennifer Elkington have been campaigning since 2009 for the codices (pictured) to be recognised and protected but say evangelical Christians are trying to brand them fakes



If the codices are genuine, as the metal and writing suggests they are, they provide new insight into the life of Christ


4. 專家解譯書上的古希伯來文單詞與符號後,認為這本書很可能來自當年耶穌傳道時期。

The tablets suggest that Christ was not starting his own religion, but restoring a thousand-year-old tradition from the time of King David


5. 其中一本書的核心主要講耶穌推崇在所羅門殿裏進行崇拜,因為在那裏可以看見上帝的面孔,而這也是聖經中放高利貸者的故事來源。

The books are known as codices - types of bound manuscripts distinct from scrolls - and among them is an image of Jesus himself 


6. 專家認為書中表明,當時耶穌還未創立自己的宗教,而是在恢復從大衛王時代開始的一千年的傳統。

The tablets, bound together like ring binders suggest that Christ was not starting his own religion, but restoring a thousand-year-old tradition from the time of King David


7. 2009年,作家David和Jennifer Elkington呼籲此書應獲得認可及受保護,卻遭否決。

Authors David and Jennifer Elkington (pictured right) have been campaigning since 2009 for the codices to be recognised and protected


8. 福音派基督徒堅稱這本書是「假的」,不過現在終於有專家進一步證實,這套鉛片足足有2000多年的歷史。

The metal 'pages', held together like a ring binder, were found in Jordan in around 2008 by an Israeli Bedouin and make reference to Christ and his disciples


9. 薩里大學離子束中心Nodus實驗室的Roger Webb與Chris Jeynes教授,經測試證實該鉛片與多塞特挖掘場所出土的古羅馬鉛樣品相吻合。說明該鉛片確實是來自2000年以前。

The lead has been analysed and the words and symbols translated and experts say the tablets date from within a few years of Jesus' ministry 


10. 金屬書發現地:

The ancient book was found in 2008 in a cave in northern Jordan by an Israeli Bedouin. The discovery was first announced in 2011



The ancient book was first found in 2008 in Jordan (pictured) by an Israeli Bedouin. The find was officially announced in 2011



The ancient book was found in 2008 in a cave in northern Jordan by an Israeli Bedouin 



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