
1. 堪稱「時尚界春晚」的維多利亞的秘密時裝秀(Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show),11月30日於巴黎大皇宮轟動登場。   今年眾超模雲集以外,歌手Lady Gaga、威肯(The Weeknd)與火星人Bruno Mars等重量級巨星皆受邀演出。   2. 而除了新生代辣模坎達兒珍娜以一身「

December 2, 2016

1. 堪稱「時尚界春晚」的維多利亞的秘密時裝秀(Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show),11月30日於巴黎大皇宮轟動登場。

Bra-vo! The Canadian crooner struggled to peel his eyes away from Alessandra's assets as she looked on and laughed
今年眾超模雲集以外,歌手Lady Gaga、威肯(The Weeknd)與火星人Bruno Mars等重量級巨星皆受邀演出。


2. 而除了新生代辣模坎達兒珍娜以一身「中國風內衣」驚豔全場(這裡),另一項備受矚目的焦點,莫屬26歲加拿大歌手威肯與前女友、超模吉吉哈蒂德(Gigi Hadid)的20歲妹妹貝拉(Bella)同台的畫面!

'No awkwardness': Speaking to E! News ahead of her Victoria's Secret Fashion Show debut, the 20-year-old beauty - who split from The Hills singer in October after 18 months together - admitted there's 'no awkwardness' between the two


3. 雖然兩人好聚好散,貝拉上個月也才剛說威肯仍是她的好朋友,不過才剛分手的情侶同台難免尷尬。一開始,貝拉身穿一襲銀色性感內衣,搭配飄逸綢絲,翩翩登場,露出專業的模特兒笑容。

Miles of smiles: Bella, walking in her first Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, broke into a huge smile as she saw her ex


4. 未料威肯在台上表演以外,還試圖靠近貝拉,似乎想跟她互動。而貝拉瞬間露出吃驚的意外表情,讓現場的氣氛格外尷尬。

Did you know he was performing tonight? She did, however, look a tad shocked as she gazed at her former boyfriend


5. 不過威肯不知道是不是沒看出來,又繼續向前。



6. 使得一旁的貝拉忍不住往另一邊縮去,肢體看起來十分抗拒。

Focus: All of his attention was on the brunette beauty as she made her way past him


7. 不過貝拉畢竟是專業模特兒,一下子鎮定了下來,冷眼直盯著前男友。

Sweet music: The 20-year-old model gazed adoringly at her ex as he performed during their brief stage encounter


8. 最後揮揮衣袖,快步離去。

I Can't Peel My Face away! The Weeknd was caught checking out his ex-girlfriend Bella Hadid's bottom as she walked by him during his performance at the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, held at Paris' Grand Palais on Wednesday night


9. 這一張威肯目送著前女友離去的照片,也讓國外網友瘋傳:「真的回不去了!」、「貝拉看起來很不舒服欸!」、「威肯一秒變跟蹤狂!」、「雖然貝拉以模特兒來說不太專業,但有人說是威肯在外面玩很大,讓她到現在還很受傷。」

Enjoying the view: He apparently enjoyed the view as his ex walked away


10. 也許,從這張照片可以多少看出一點端倪。威肯在台上完全毫不避諱地大吃巴西超模亞歷桑德拉(Alessandra Ambrosio)的冰淇淋啊!

Eye eye! He was also spotted checking out Alessandra Ambrosio's bosom as he stood next to her, alongside fellow performers Lady Gaga and Bruno Mars and a host of models



Here's looking at you! The 26-year-old star appeared to be transfixed as the scintillating show came to an end


12. 事實上,前幾天維多利亞的秘密的模特兒們一起搭專機抵達巴黎時,貝拉被意外從背後拍下這張照片,後來眼尖的網友放大一看,發現她正在看過去與威肯的接吻照。

Eagle-eyed fan: Bella was caught on model Kelly Gale's camera as she sat behind the star, looking at a pic of her singer ex


13. 而她也在時裝秀結束沒多久,上傳了與威肯在台上的照片,大氣稱讚對方的表現:「謝謝你,威肯,你是地表上最棒、最了不起的歌手!你表現得超棒,就跟平常一樣!」

VERY friendly exes: Hours after heading out together after the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, Bella publicly thanked her former flame on Instagram for being the 'most incredible performer on the planet'



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分類:星聞, 世界
加入粉絲團! 20歲性感嫩模貝拉「跟前男友威肯同台」,她走秀時威肯還一直挑逗「被嚇到互動尷尬到爆」!(13張)留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友