
超級月亮過沒多久,最近卻有人在月亮上發現許多外星人UFO飛碟?!日前有YouTuber發佈了一段影片,表示看到了很多飛碟從月亮的表面起飛…   這是一段在11月14日拍攝,68年來的最大滿月「超級月亮」的影片。他聲稱能夠清楚地看到那些宇宙飛船,出現在月球的表面和後

November 26, 2016


The clip shows last week's super moon (pictured) on November 14, which occurs when the moon is full and reaches its closest point to the Earth simultaneously.


這是一段在11月14日拍攝,68年來的最大滿月「超級月亮」的影片。他聲稱能夠清楚地看到那些宇宙飛船,出現在月球的表面和後面,用來保護外星人免受人類的干擾。「許多阿波羅太空人聲稱他們在月球附近看到了不明飛行物,所以也許這些物體是一種保護的形式。」UFO研究者Scott C Waring表示。「它可能是一個不友好物種。」

Vigil's clip covers more than the event, it appears to show hundreds of objects flying off the moon's surface at once. This bizarre event has confirmed what many conspiracy theorists have believed to be true all along – aliens live on the moon


網友紛紛回應道,「這支影片真的很震撼,可以看到有東西從月亮的左下方出來。」、「看起來好像有幾百個,但這會不會只是光學錯覺?」攝影師John Biondo認為,UFO並不是這樣的東西,那只是人們看到月球上有東西時的錯覺,圖像中出現的色差。

In an amazing video uploaded to YouTube on November 13 by Gerril Vigil alleged UFOs can be seen leaving the moon,' Mister Enigma shared in the video. 'The clip is truly remarkable as you can see the objects coming from the bottom left.


根據Photography Life,當鏡頭無法把所有顏色的波長集中在同一個焦點時,也會造成這樣的現象。「這只是光學錯覺,當空氣濕度很高,月亮的光線被扭曲,在地球上的光源或明亮的物體被反射罷了。」

A YouTuber has posted a new clip that appears to show ‘hundreds’ of UFOs taking leaving the moon at once. Spotted last week, the video claims to give a clear view of these spaceships going around and behind the lunar surface after taking off


人們對外星生物的懷疑並不是第一次,在2015年12月,一個前NASA的承包商表示,在NASA著陸月球期間,在月球上發現了三個飛碟。在影片中Dona Hare指出,有關UFO的目擊被太空總署隱瞞了,代號為「聖誕老人」。 

These are not the first, and probably won't be the last, claims by conspiracy theorists that aliens inhabit the moon.  In a video testimony, Dona Hare  (pictured) says the space agency covered up a series of UFO sighting that they codenamed 'Santa Claus'



'This man was in quarantine with them and was part of their debriefing,' she says. 'He said a lot of then talked about their experience of these crafts following them. I believe there were three of them on the moon when they landed and I believe that the code word for them was Santa Claus'



Not only is she accusing NASA of hiding UFOs from the American people, she also told the world the agency has doctored and obscured thousands of photos. She went on record to state the agency had erased flying saucers from pictures, before selling them to the public




來看看相關的影片吧 :



來源 :  Dailymail


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