
1. 日本與那國遺跡(The Yonaguni Monument)。   考古學家們對於水下紀念碑是人造的,還是自然界中形成的似乎沒有一致答案。這座紀念碑在1986年被發現,根據研究,被認為是因為2000年前的地震,而沉入海中的一個城市中的建設。    不少科學家認為它是人造的線索包括石頭

November 6, 2016

1. 日本與那國遺跡(The Yonaguni Monument)。






2. 埃及豔后皇宮(Cleopatra’s Palace),埃及亞歷山大港。



1996年時,由探險家Franck Goddio領導的潛水團隊根據經典的希臘文獻的描述找到該地點。該團隊發現了大量的保存完好的文物,包括皇家雕像、人面獅身像、珠寶、硬幣等。

Cleopatra’s Palace- Port of Alexandria, Egypt

Cleopatra ruled the city of Alexandria for twenty years from the fabled island or Antirhodos, but a particularly rough series of earthquakes vanquished the site to the sea around 1,400 years ago. A dive team led by explorer Franck Goddio rediscovered it in 1996 after Goddio used classic Grecian literary descriptions to find the site. Once found, the team discovered tons of ancient artifacts, all well preserved, including royal statues, sphinxes, jewelry, coins and much more. 

Most of the vast treasure trove hasn’t yet been brought to the surface yet, so Egypt plans to capitalize on the excitement by launching an underwater museum. That way visitors can take in its full glory without disturbing the ancient antiquities’ resting place by traveling through underwater tunnels.


3. 埃及古城希拉克萊奧(Thonis-Heracleion)。

探險家Franck Goddio和他的團隊幾年後,發現了另一個沈入大海的埃及城市。


希拉克萊奧是一個貿易大港城市,在希臘和埃及的傳說中都描述過其為地中海和尼羅河之間的貿易大港。 有名的Amun神殿也位於此城市。在西元八世紀時,天災被認為這城市的沈沒原因因為導致海洋吞沒整個城市。

Thonis-Heracleion- Egypt

Just a few years later another lost Egyptian city was found by Goddio and his team. Thonis-Heracleion, a city that both Greek and Egpytian legend described as a grand port of trade between the Mediterranean and Nile River. The Temple of Amun could be found there and it’s thought that natural disasters caused the sea to swallow the entire city in the 8th century A.D. Objects found included statues, a giant temple, and even ceramic pottery pieces that furthered the notion that the city was very wealthy. 

According to Goddio, “It was the port of entry to Egypt, so all trade had to go through the city. Furthermore, it possessed a temple where every pharaoh had to go in order to receive the title of their power, as universal sovereign, from the supreme god Amun. So it was very wealthy.”
根據Franck Goddio的說法,這是非常富裕的城市,是進出埃及的重要港口,所有的貿易的必經城市。 此外,這裡有一個寺廟,埃及的每個法老都必須去,以獲得他們的正式頭銜。 


4. 希臘帕夫洛彼特里古城(Pavlopetri)。  

帕夫洛彼特里古城在地中海之下,靠近希臘。是世界上最古老的沈沒城市之一,目前被認為約5000年歷史。有些人甚至認為它是柏拉圖的失落的亞特蘭蒂斯城的靈感來源,1967年由Nicholas Fleming發現。





5. 以色列海法Atlit-Yam。




Atlit-Yam Haifa- Israel

Another lucky find happened in 1984 when marine scientists found the 7,700-year-old remains of a sunken city while searching for shipwrecks. They later found that the site had rectangular house and a circular stone well, meaning Atlit-Yam may have been one of the earliest-known villages that used agricultural and marine resources for survival, sometime between 6900 and 6300 BC. They also found the remains of the first confirmed humans to have died of tuberculosis as well as the first evidence of olive oil. 

The city is believed to have been abandoned after a volcanic collapse created a tsunamic swell. It’s often been called the “Neolithic Atlantis.”


6. 印度德瓦卡(Dwarka)。



後來潛水員回到該地點時,收集了人工製品,如小珠和陶器。 他們甚至發現了可以追溯到9,500年前的碳化牙齒。

Dwarka- India

Pavlopetri might be one of the oldest sunken cities, but Dwarka, meaning “gateway to heaven,” could very well be THE oldest sunken city. In 2002 scientists accidentally stumbled upon  the city in India’s Gulf of Cambay while measuring pollution levels. Later divers recovered human artifacts from the site such as beads and pottery. However, the craziest part is that they also found teeth that were reportedly carbon-dated to as old as 9,500 years. 

According to the BBC, ancient civilization experts say that finding a sunken city of this scale questions the established achaeological theory that cities this large weren’t known to exist before Mesopotamia was built 4,500 years ago. 

The city, which may have sunk after the last ice cap melt almost 10,000 years ago, is sacred to several religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism and was thought to be the home of the Hindu god Krishna.


7. 義大利貝亞城(Baiae)。




Baiae- Italy

The Roman city of Baiae was once a hotspot for powerful people, including Julius Caesar, Caligula and Marcus Cicero. It was something of a pleasure resort and quite possibly had the ancient equivalent of a Las Vegas casino. Barbarians wrecked the city in the 8th century A.D. and it was mostly abandoned, and then it was completely abandoned after malaria arrived a few centuries later. 

Volcanic activity is thought to have sunk the city sometime later. Recovery began in the 1920s during construction at Port Venero when sculptures and imperial insignias were revealed. However it wasn’t until the 1960s that an actual survey of the area was taken. It is now one of the world’s only official underwater parks where divers can get up close and personal with the ancient sunken nymphaeum.




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