
這是個色彩繽紛的畫面,但細看卻會令所有人心碎…6歲的男孩雅各 (Jacob) 不幸在南卡羅萊納州的Townville小學發生的槍擊案中,被14歲的少年槍手傑西奧斯本 (Jessie Osborne) 射中身亡。如今他的親友及悼念者全部扮成超級英雄的模樣來送他最後一程…   雅各的姨

October 6, 2016

這是個色彩繽紛的畫面,但細看卻會令所有人心碎…6歲的男孩雅各 (Jacob) 不幸在南卡羅萊納州的Townville小學發生的槍擊案中,被14歲的少年槍手傑西奧斯本 (Jessie Osborne) 射中身亡。如今他的親友及悼念者全部扮成超級英雄的模樣來送他最後一程…

Dale Hall, dressed in a Superman outfit, stands before the casket during the funeral for his brother  Jacob Hall on Wednesday
雅各的姨婆蕾貝卡 (Rebecca Hunnicutt) 說:「我們想用雅各喜歡的方式追思雅各、紀念雅各。他一直想當個超級英雄。」









A 14-year-old boy killed his own father, then drove to Townville Elementary and fired on two children, including Jacob (his mother, above) and a teacher as recess began


跟雅各同齡的朋友莉莉 (Lily Gunby) 說雅各「真的很友善」,而且「知道很多耶穌的事」。她也穿著粉黑相間的超人T恤紀念她的好友。

Friends support Jacob's mother Renae Hall (above) after an emotional funeral for the six-year-old, who died of his injuries on Saturday after being struck by a bullet in a main artery in his thigh
莉莉的叔叔德瑞克 (Derek Gunby) 則說雅各是聖經班上「最可愛的孩子」。


鼓勵孩子們像英雄一樣行善的公益組織Heroes 4 Higher創立人約翰 (John Buckland) 也開著名為「希望車」的蝙蝠車從西維吉尼亞遠道而來,鼓勵現場的孩子們「艱難使我們更加堅強」。

A six-year-old boy who died after a teenage gunman opened fire at a South Carolina elementary school will be remembered on Wednesday as a superhero. Above, Jacob's blue casket arrives for his funeral service



John Buckland, dressed as Batman, speaks during a superhero-themed funeral service for Jacob Hall at Oakdale Baptist Church on Wednesday


神父David Blizzard也說雅各愛著每個人,而且總是想當超級英雄。

The Rev. David Blizzard delivered the eulogy for Jacob, saying he loved everybody, and would 'pretend he was a superhero'



Townville Fire Chief Billy McAdams wipes away tears before the funeral for six-year-old Jacob Hall at Oakdale Baptist Church


Mourners surround the casket of six-year-old Jacob Hall as it leaves Oakdale Baptist church in Townville, South Carolina


Jacob, a classmate and a first-grade teacher were struck by bullets as they left for recess last Wednesday. Above, people dressed as superheroes for Jacob's funeral


Jacob Hall's family have encouraged people to dress as superheroes to celebrate what he enjoyed. Above, a man dressed as Batman arrived at the funeral


Heroes 4 Higher創立人約翰的蝙蝠車。

A Batmobile arrives before a superhero-themed funeral service for Jacob Hall, a six-year-old boy who was killed in a school shooting last week


A sticker remember the Townville Elementary School shooting is affixed to the Heroes 4 Higher Batmobile





A young boy dressed as Spider-Man watches as Jacob's casket leaves the church after the funeral service in Townville


Landen Gilbert, dressed as Batman, stands in line to enter Oakdale Baptist church for the funeral of his cousin Jacob



A young girl is hugged by a man dressed as Captain America at the superhero-themed funeral for six-year-old Jacob Hall 


A woman dressed as Thor speaks with a young girl ahead of the funeral service in Townville, South Carolina, on Wednesday


John Buckman, dressed as Batman, hugs the aunt of Jacob Hall, Rebecca Hunnicut, after speaking during the funeral service


Men dressed as superheroes speak to a police officer outside the funeral for Jacob Hall on Wednesday


Jacob's funeral comes a week after authorities say 14-year-old  killed his own father before driving a pickup to Townville Elementary School and crashing into a playground fence. Above, people arrive for the service


Jacob Hall's family encouraged people to dress as superheroes to celebrate what he enjoyed. Above, people arrive in superhero-themed outfits for the funeral



Kortnie Lanclos, of Liberty, South Crolina, wears a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles shell before the superhero-themed funeral


Tim Marcengill, Associate Pastor Evangelism and Education, speaks at funeral for Jacob Hall on Wednesday



Katie Olvera (left) dressed as Wonder Woman, Aaron Sloan (center), dressed as a Power Ranger, and John Suber (right) dressed as Superman at a wake service for Jacob on Tuesday



Jacob's mother Renae Hall, left, talks to Starr Henderson, 12, during a wake service at Oakdale Baptist Church on Tuesday




Jacob's aunt Rebecca Hunnicutt (left) listens to U.S. Senator Jeff Duncan during a wake service in Townville on Tuesday



Zowie Sanders, gives a fist bump to John Suber, left, of Greenville, dressed as Superman, with her sister Lindsey Sanders, center, and their mother Brooke Starks, right, of Townville, during a wake service for Jacob Hall



Starr Henderson, 12, of Belton, cries after seeing her nephew Jacob Hall during a wake service at Oakdale Baptist Church on Tuesday


The casket of six-year-old  Jacob Hall arrives for a wake service at Oakdale Baptist Church in Townville 

來源:Dailymail │ Distractify


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加入粉絲團! 最愛超級英雄的6歲男孩不幸死在14歲少年槍下,幾十人「扮成超級英雄」連蝙蝠車都出動送他最後一程…留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友