
回想12年前,在2004年時,馬克祖克柏只是一個默默無名的哈佛大學生。現在,臉書價值$3640億美元,每月固定有17億用戶使用,馬克祖克柏更成了成功人士的代表。現在,讓我們回頭來看臉書的歷史吧!   臉書是誕生在哈佛的Kirkland House宿舍。 廣告1   在2003年,哈佛大二

September 25, 2016


mark zuckerberg, facebook, sv100 2015


臉書是誕生在哈佛的Kirkland House宿舍。

Facebook got its start at Harvard's Kirkland House dormitory — the same dorm that Wallace Shawn (who played Vizzini in "The Princess Bride" and the voice of "Toy Story's" Rex) lived in during his Harvard years.


在2003年,哈佛大二生馬克祖克柏寫了一個叫Face mash的程式,這是那種讓人評「性感」或「不了」的APP,但上面的照片都是他的同學,是他駭入學校宿舍的ID所得。這個APP在上線的4小時候就獲得450人點擊及22000瀏覽次數。幾天後哈佛因為安全跟版權的疑慮要他把Face mash下線。

In 2003, Harvard sophomore Mark Zuckerberg would build a program called "Face mash." It was a Hot or Not-style app using the pictures of his classmates that he hacked from the school administration's dormitory ID files. It got 22,000 page views from 450 people in the first four hours it was up. A few days later, Harvard ordered it to be taken down, citing copyright and security concerns.



Zuckerberg faced disciplinary action from Harvard but was allowed to stay at the school. Undeterred, he launched "TheFacebook" on February 4, 2004.


但在這個網頁上線6天後,3名哈佛大四生,包括雙胞胎卡麥隆溫克勒佛斯 (Cameron Winklevoss)、泰勒溫克勒佛斯 (Tyler Winklevoss) 和迪夫亞納倫德拉 (Divya Narendra) 表示他們原本要跟馬克祖克柏合作創立HarvardConnection.com網站,但馬克祖克柏卻背棄他們,並剽竊他們點子創立TheFacebook。

Six days after the launch, three Harvard seniors — twins Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss and Divya Narendra — claimed that they had reached an agreement with Zuckerberg where he would create a website called HarvardConnection.com for them, but they alleged he abandoned them and used their ideas to create Facebook.



Within a month, half of Harvard's students were members of Thefacebook. By March 2004, it had expanded to Yale, Columbia, and Stanford universities. Zuckerberg brought in fellow Harvard students Dustin Moskovitz, left, Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, and Chris Hughes as cofounders to help manage that growth and keep building the site into a business.
馬克祖克柏找來其他哈佛大學生,包括照片中的達斯廷莫斯科維茨 (Dustin Moskovitz)、愛德華多薩韋林 (Eduardo Saverin)、安德魯・麥考倫 (Andrew McCollum) 跟克里斯·休斯 (Chris Hughes) 當聯合創辦人,幫他維持TheFacebook的運作。



Facebook's first ad-sales pitch deck came out just a few months after the launch, and showed the site's amazing early growth — and its limited functionality.



At this point, Facebook was still run out of his dorm room, but it was time to get serious. Zuckerberg dropped out of Harvard in 2004, much like Bill Gates before him.


在2004年中期,馬克祖克柏聘用Napster聯合創辦人西恩帕克 (Sean Parker) 作為臉書第一任總裁。

In mid-2004, Zuckerberg hired Napster cofounder Sean Parker as the company's first president.



Around the same time, in June 2004, Facebook moved to Palo Alto, California, into a tiny office downtown. Back then, the company was known for being as much a party hub as it was a serious startup.



That office, right in downtown Palo Alto, was incredibly unassuming. See that glass door, No. 471? That led to a set of stairs that would take you up to the space. I briefly worked for a company that would use the same office space, years later. There's a good sushi place around the corner.



Mark Zuckerberg would often hang out in the office in shorts, barefoot, and with a beer in hand.



No, seriously, they loved beer. Here's Andrew McCollum with a lady friend while one of the documentary crew enjoys a beer from Facebook's kegs.



That office was also well-known for having risqué graffiti art on its walls.


在同個月,臉書獲得第一筆外來的資助,金額有$50萬美元,來自PayPal共同創辦人及前總裁彼得·泰爾 (Peter Thiel),以及之後的特斯拉汽車創辦人伊隆·馬斯克 (Elon Musk)。

The same month it moved into these offices, Facebook got its first outside funding in the form of a $500,000 investment from famed ex-PayPal executive Peter Thiel, left, with fellow PayPal exec and later Tesla founder Elon Musk.


這時候,臉書已經飛速成長。在2005年5月,臉書的贊助額達到$1370萬美元,在2006年,臉書創造了代表性的動態消息 (News Feed) 功能,讓用戶能及時觀看他們的朋友在做什麼。

By this point, Facebook was starting its rapid ascent toward cultural superstardom. In May 2005, Facebook raised $13.7 million in funding. In 2006, Facebook created its iconic and breakthrough News Feed, which gave people a real-time stream of what their friends were doing.


在2006年,馬克祖克柏跟當時的Google副總裁雪柔·桑德伯格 (Sheryl Sandberg) 在一場聖誕節派對中見到面。當時她原本想到華盛頓郵報另謀職位,但祖克柏覺得臉書需要一位營運長,並成功在2008年招募桑德伯格。

In late 2007, Zuckerberg met a Google executive named Sheryl Sandberg at a Christmas party. At the time, she was considering taking a new position with The Washington Post. But after meeting Sandberg, Zuckerberg decided that Facebook needed a chief operating officer, and managed to convince her to come aboard in early 2008.



It was a prescient hire. Facebook was already growing quickly, but the rise of the smartphone brought with it a lot more users. In 2009, Facebook moved into a slightly larger Palo Alto office in the Stanford Research Park, amid explosive growth. By late 2010, it hit a trillion page views a month.



That space wouldn't hold Facebook for long. In 2011, the social network moved into a corporate campus once occupied by Sun Microsystems, which had fallen from grace and been acquired by Oracle.


臉書甚至在園區內建立了一條叫Hacker Way (駭客大道) 的通路,取名原則跟馬克祖克柏的名言:「動作快,打破規則」有異曲同工之妙。

Facebook even established the main thoroughfare of the campus as "Hacker Way," referring to Zuckerberg's famous philosophy of the same name: "Move Fast and Break Things."


臉書也證明了自己在政治上的影響力。在2011年2月的Egyptian uprising活動中,他們大部分都是透過臉書等社群平台組織的。

Facebook had also established itself as a major political power at this point. That was perhaps most prominent in February 2011's Egyptian uprising, which was largely organized via social-networking sites like Facebook.



On the flip side, Zuckerberg himself has only gotten more involved in politics over the years, and has spoken to world leaders in support of spreading internet access all over the globe.



Facebook has also long been a proponent of marriage equality and equal rights.



The social network became unstoppable. Facebook had its historic $5 billion initial public offering May 18, 2012.



Starting that same year, in 2012, Facebook employees were given the legendary "Little Red Book," a book of propaganda-like slogans to make sure that the growing company's employees were all on the same page.


首次公開募股的隔天,馬克祖克柏低調地跟相戀多年的女友普莉希拉陳 (Priscilla Chan) 結婚。

The day after the IPO, Zuckerberg somehow found the time to marry his long-time girlfriend Priscilla Chan, whom he met while still a Harvard student.



Facebook is always on the lookout for the next startup that threatens to disrupt it. So the company has snapped up a bunch of hot startups along the way, including photo-sharing service Instagram, which it bought for $1 billion in 2012 and now has more than 400 million users; ...



... early-stage virtual-reality company Oculus, which Facebook bought in March 2014 for $2 billion; ...


還有2014年2月用$190億買下的WhatsApp。WhatsApp的共同創辦人簡庫姆 (Jan Koum) 現在也是臉書的成員,而WhatsApp現在每月有10億固定用戶。

... and mobile-messaging company WhatsApp, which Facebook paid a whopping $19 billion for in February 2014. Its cofounder, Jan Koum, is now a Facebook board member and the service now has more than 1 billion monthly users.



By the time Facebook turned 10 on February 3, 2014, over 1.23 billion people were visiting the social network every month — a billion of them on their mobile devices. The world had changed, but Facebook just kept growing.


而臉書也再度遷辦公室,今年初臉書開了新的商業園區,由傳奇建築師法蘭克·蓋瑞 (Frank Gehry) 建造,能容納2800名員工。

To support all that growth, Facebook had to expand its offices. Just this year, Facebook opened a new campus, designed by legendary architect Frank Gehry, to support over 2,800 employees.



Whatever happens next, the company remains powered by Zuckerberg's mission to connect everybody in the world. As he put it in a letter to investors in Facebook's IPO filing, "Simply put: we don't build services to make money; we make money to build better services."


在2015年12月,祖克柏宣布成立Chan Zuckerberg Initiative,祖克柏將99%的財產投入其中,而這個基金會的目的是研究能改善世界的議題。

In December 2015, Zuckerberg announced the formation of the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, a limited-liability corporation that will receive 99% of his wealth and reinvest it in world-changing causes.



But even with all of his wealth redistributed to charitable causes, Zuckerberg is keeping his iron grip on the company, thanks to a stock scheme that keeps him in control no matter what else happens to the company. So he's not losing control of the company he founded out of a Harvard dorm room any time soon.




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