

September 13, 2016











The plight of compassionate Chinese people and the animals continues. While animal abuse is already bad enough, it’s important to note that it is also human abuse. This is Aunt Zhao. This is her in the video, crying in an overload of sheer frustration and despair as she is helpless to stop the slow agonizing death of her dogs, all of which have been poisoned. For many years, Aunt Zhao has been taking care of the stray dogs like her own children at their shelter home. Today, all her dogs have been poisoned by Harbin Sports college. The school had sent their security guards into the shed to poison all the dogs — including all puppies. The College’s reason for it is, apparently, that they are going to have an “anniversary” tomorrow. Look how distraught Aunt Zhao is over the poisoning of her ‘children’ — dogs and puppies she dedicated the time, energy and her life to create a safe place for. This raw footage and photos may not enough to describe what she is going through. This happens because China allows people to enter the shelter she created for dogs and poison them to their agonizing deaths. It happens because China has never passed a single animal protection law, the lack of which has fostered subcultures of animal cruelty since any and all animal abuse is fully legal, and total corruption among Chinese officials and authorities. We have to fight for the sake of the good people of China and their animals, who are victimized and silenced by the mobs of abusers and corrupt authorities. The international community must get involved. Please Share widely. Expose China’s shameful indifference towards their ongoing legacy of sheer animal cruelty. Spread awareness that not everyone in China is cruel towards animals and these people deserve the support of the global community. -: Adrian Shiva & MaoMao’s Movement

A Fortress Of Fur 貼上了 2016年9月10日



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分類:世界, 動物
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