
 1. 把義大利麵放在書裡,就不怕看書的時候會餓囉!   2. 或者也可以放在錢包裡當小零食 :) 廣告1   3. 也許某個周六下午你想要出去散步一下,那就帶著義大利麵一起去吧!   4. 如果你想要用義大利麵來個按摩腳底的話:   味道更濃郁了呢! 廣告2   5. 不想要沾上臭腳丫

September 5, 2016

 1. 把義大利麵放在書裡,就不怕看書的時候會餓囉!

When you snuggle into bed at the end of a long day and flip open that book on your nightstand and BAM! spaghetti.


2. 或者也可以放在錢包裡當小零食 :)

Or when you're about to pay for your six-inch Italian sub at the deli and you open your wallet and instead of money all you find is a wad of spagetti.


3. 也許某個周六下午你想要出去散步一下,那就帶著義大利麵一起去吧!

Maybe you're at home. Maybe it's a Saturday afternoon and you're thinking about going for a nice walk by the lake so you put on your shoes, a sweater, and your favorite hat but uh oh there's spaghetti.


4. 如果你想要用義大利麵來個按摩腳底的話:

Damn, you tried to walk across you kitchen floor but suddenly spaghetti.


5. 不想要沾上臭腳丫味道的話,也可以用衣服裝起來唷!

Wow, can you freaking believe your luck? Spaghetti made its home in the pouch of your white tee shirt.


6. 愛吃義大利麵的人,一個淺淺的盤子哪裡夠裝啊!

"Hey, Ma, grab me the special vase so I can put these gorgeous ranunculus in some water!" "Oh no, Earl, the spaghetti's at it again!"


7. 就連洗澡的時候也要帶進去吃!

Every time you go to take a bath, SPAGHETTI.


8. 喜歡義大利麵,喜歡到想要把它活體印下來,隨時貼在書桌前~~~

Every time you go to use the copier, SPAGHETTI.


9. 義大利麵香腸 (誤)



10. 如果你有養寵物蛇的話,可以和他一起玩拔河!

Your pet snake is always tangled up in the stuff.


11. 熱壓義大利麵三明治~~~看起來太好吃了!

It even creeps its way into your delicious sandwiches.


12. 你也可以考慮特技表演,和你的義大利麵一起:



13. 義大利麵翻倒了也沒關係,在地毯上看起來超讚的不是嗎?;)

Wouldn't it be great if you could wake up in the morning, put your feet on the ground, and NOT step on a floor full of spaghetti?


14. 最後就來個義大利麵SPA吧!

Oh, well. You know what they say! Spaghetti: It's everywhere.




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