
(非趣味) 影片中來自英格蘭男生叫克雷格米爾斯 (Craig Mills),他不斷大力摑打自己2歲的寵物貓Pippa、甚至張嘴大咬貓咪頭部,簡直喪心病狂。 廣告1   這一切都被他的前室友David Walker給拍了下來。警告:畫面殘忍,請斟酌觀看。 訂閱我們的趣味影片頻道,定時收到

July 26, 2016

(非趣味) 影片中來自英格蘭男生叫克雷格米爾斯 (Craig Mills),他不斷大力摑打自己2歲的寵物貓Pippa、甚至張嘴大咬貓咪頭部,簡直喪心病狂。

In pic: Video still shows Mills put Pippa's head in his mouth A HORRIFYING video shows the moment a twisted yob put his pet cat's head in his mouth and bit down. Craig Mills is also seen beating the defenceless animal - which later died - in a clip secretly filmed by his partner. The disturbing footage helped land Mills, currently living in Lumphinnans, Fife, in court earlier this month where he was convicted of abusing and killing two-year-old Pippa. Mills' former partner, David Walker, has now released his footage in a bid to prove he had nothing to do with the horrendous cruelty inflicted on the animal. David, 29, is in hiding and living in fear after being verbally abused by locals who wrongly believe he was "in on" the attacks. David's video clearly shows Mills, 22, apparently unaware of the camera, gripping the cat and striking it hard on the body with his hand. The camera is moved and Mills can be seen again, still holding Pippa, and delivering several more blows. After the ninth blow, Mills can clearly be heard shouting at the cat: "Who are you hissing at?" He then forces the front half of the cat's head into his mouth and bites. The animal springs clear, appearing to leave Mills with a possible injury to his mouth.


這一切都被他的前室友David Walker給拍了下來。警告:畫面殘忍,請斟酌觀看。




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分類:世界, 動物
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