
1. Tim Wong是位加州科學園的水生動物學家,從小就對蝴蝶情有獨鍾。28歲的Tim身為一位水生動物學家,除了必須照顧鱷魚、魟魚、餵食章魚,在科學園裡必須照顧3800多隻動物,下班後也不讓自己閒著,他致力於繁衍瀕臨絕種的蝴蝶。    「在我國小時有次課堂上老師教我們畫蝴

July 11, 2016

1. Tim Wong是位加州科學園的水生動物學家,從小就對蝴蝶情有獨鍾。28歲的Tim身為一位水生動物學家,除了必須照顧鱷魚、魟魚、餵食章魚,在科學園裡必須照顧3800多隻動物,下班後也不讓自己閒著,他致力於繁衍瀕臨絕種的蝴蝶。 



2. 幾年後,Tim發現了加州藍鳳蝶( California pipevine swallowtail ),這種生長在舊金山的稀有蝴蝶,因為20世紀初城市快速的發展,使得這些蝴蝶漸漸地消失。Tim從此把繁殖加州藍鳳蝶視為自己的目標,希望可以讓這些蝴蝶再帶回到這個城市。



3. Tim開始研究加州藍鳳蝶,發現他們在毛毛蟲階段只吃一種稱為加州馬兜鈴( California pipevine )的植物。最終他在舊金山植物園找到了這個植物,並得到植物園的允許帶回了幾枝樹枝回去栽種。


4. 隨後他便在自己的後院靠自己學來的技術打造出蝴蝶天堂。他利用大型的圍籬建造的溫室不但能保護蝴蝶不被掠食者攻擊,而且依然可以讓這些蝴蝶接收到戶外的陽光、氣流以及溫度,就這樣加州藍鳳蝶擁有了最適合繁殖的生態環境。


Why not? #??? #pipevineswallowtail #californiapipevineswallowtail #battusphilenorhirsuta #caterpillar #raisingbutterflies

Tim(@timtast1c)張貼的影片 於 張貼




5. 雖然加州藍鳳蝶在舊金山市裡已幾乎銷聲匿跡,但依舊能在野外找到牠們的蹤影。在經過允許下,Tim把在私人住所找到的加州藍鳳蝶小心翼翼地帶回到他的溫室。「他們就想小小軍團,大口吃完一片馬兜鈴再集體前往下一片。」Tim說著。


6. 3~4周後,這些毛毛蟲開始化為蛹,在蛹內液化自己,幸運的話在2周內就會蛻變成蝴蝶,不然就保持2年的蟄伏期,稱為滯育。Tim說:「就像是經過一段很長的東眠,結束後就會以蝴蝶的姿態出現。」


7. 通常加州藍鳳蝶會在春天破蛹而出,但還是取決於溫度、掠食者或食物供給量,會在2月~10月間看到他們的存在,而他們僅有2~5周的壽命。在這期間雌性蝴蝶會下蛋在馬兜鈴上,Tim就會小心的取下放到室內去孵化,避免被天敵蜘蛛或蠼螋吃下肚。


8. 雖然在其他鄰近的城市都有成功繁殖加州藍鳳蝶,但Tim是第一位在舊金山成功  復育加州藍鳳蝶的人,他成功的原因歸功於他打造出良好的生態環境。Tim也說到「復育一樣物種最重要就是了解他的歷史背景,清楚他的習性,還要能過處理繁複的雜事。」


Wow, can’t thank @instagram enough for featuring my work! For the thousands of followers that found me today, I hope I can inspire all of you to appreciate, protect, respect, and love the flora and fauna of this world. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Raising butterflies as a hobby for education and conservation is just a small part of what I do, but it is a passion of mine that hopefully reconnects and reminds people that there are ephemeral and beautiful things worth preserving. Find out what’s native to your area and see how you can preserve or foster your local flora and fauna by creating or restoring habitat. Conservation can start in your own backyard! Pictured here are newly emerged native Anise Swallowtail butterflies ready to live life on the wing. #wildlifeconservation #aniseswallowtail #papiliozelicaon #butterfly #lepidoptera

Tim(@timtast1c)張貼的相片 於 張貼


9. 從一開始孕育出上百隻,到現在的上千隻,Tim預計再10年舊金山的街頭上又可以看到這些美麗藍色蝴蝶的身影了。


Finishing up a crazy busy work week and came home to these two new beauties that eclosed while I was away! The California Pipevine Swallowtails (Battus philenor hirsuta) tend to be most famous for the dorsal (top-side) blue coloration of the males, but the ventral (bottom) coloration on both males and females is exquisite! Here a male is shown resting on the left with a female on the right. The iridescent blue changes color depending on the angle of light I but have observed variation in color from an almost gold to deep blue. Check out those ???! #pipevineswallowtail #butterfly #lepidoptera #raisingbutterflies #hobby #wildlifeconservation #battusphilenor #battusphilenorhirsuta #californiapipevineswallowtail

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10. 除了加州藍鳳蝶Tim也開始在溫室裡繁殖其他稀有的蝴蝶與生物,如果你也熱愛蝴蝶的話,可以直接到他的IG去欣賞其他美麗的蝴蝶吧!




A sneak peak behind the scenes of my photo that @instagram recently featured showing the lifecycle of the California Pipevine Swallowtail butterfly (Battus philenor hirsuta). I got a ton of questions asking if these cuties were real, photoshopped and alive. They are all very much alive and quite squirmy I might add! The male butterfly had just emerged and was cooperative for a photo in the cooler evening hours (they only fly when they are warm). I love being able to show most of the life stages simultaneously to provide a sense of scale and the extent of their beautiful metamorphosis. #metamorphosis #butterfly #Lepidoptera #raisingbutterflies #butterfliesofinatagram #caterpillar #wildlifeconservation #pipevineswallowtail #battusphilenor

Tim(@timtast1c)張貼的影片 於 張貼







This season is off to an incredible start but I always like to reflect on my favorite moments from last year. Arguably my favorite part of raising native butterflies! #pipevineswallowtail #battusphilenor #battusphilenorhirsuta #raisingbutterflies #lepidoptera #butterfly

Tim(@timtast1c)張貼的影片 於 張貼




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分類:藝術, 世界, 動物
加入粉絲團! 他在後院養這些噁噁的毛毛蟲,等獨一無二的牠們「長大變超美」我才知道知道看到一眼都算福氣了!留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友