
甜姐兒蕾妮齊薇格自從演了征服情海 (Jerry Maquire)  和BJ單身日記 (Bridget Jones) 之後,就成為很多人心目中的可愛女神。不過,那也是很多年前的事了。 廣告1 非常多的明星都會因為害怕失去了大家喜愛的姣好面貌,而選擇去整形,而當這發生的時候,通常很多人都會關注

October 22, 2014

甜姐兒蕾妮齊薇格自從演了征服情海 (Jerry Maquire)  和BJ單身日記 (Bridget Jones) 之後,就成為很多人心目中的可愛女神。不過,那也是很多年前的事了。








Not a line in sight: Renee Zellweger's suspiciously puffy face set tongues wagging when she stepped out at the  ELLE's 21st annual Women In Hollywood Awards on Monday


Renee was fresh faced at a film premiere in 1998


The experts weigh in: Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeon Dr Alex Karidis of London’s Karidis Clinic told MailOnline Renee may have had an upper eye lift and Botox


Is that you? Renee's line-free forehead and tight visage has once again reignited cosmetic surgery rumours


The 44-year-old's face appeared strikingly different compared to how she looked at the 2013 Academy AwardsThe 44-year-old's face appeared strikingly different compared to how she looked at the 2013 Academy Awards



There's no denying it: The star's appearance has changed dramatically over the years


Affectionate: Renee was joined by musician boyfriend Doyle Bramhall II at the event at the Four Seasons Hotel in Los Angeles 


Look of love: Renee and Doyle - who have been dating for nearly two years - appeared to be more loved up than ever, taking a moment to gaze into each others eyes


Cuddle up! The Oscar-winning star radiated happiness when she snuggled up to her man



The actress went for a nude palette of makeup with barely any lipstick, no earrings and a heavy lash 



Her natural hair and pierced-less ears are the same, but her look is decidedly different than how she appeared at the 2001 Oscars, seen here


So chic: The Bridget Jones star hit the right note with a black knee-length dress with sheer embroidered back and sleevesSo chic: The Bridget Jones star hit the right note with a black knee-length dress with sheer embroidered back and sleeves


Modelling: The actress turned around to show-off the intricate cut-out detailing down her back


Behind the mic! The Oscar winner captivated the audience at the glamorous event 


Dazzling duo! Actress Sarah Paulson looked radiant in a textured black and white frock and she posed next to Renee



The beloved Bridget Jones! The star won a legion of fans with her memorable role in the 2001 flick Bridget Jones's Diary, and the 2004 sequel Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason



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