
超幸運夫妻!拉席米 (Lakshmi Thurairatnum) 因為參加了Best of the Best (BOTB) 的超跑比賽,價值9.5萬英鎊 (約450萬台幣) 黑色的賓士GLE63-S AMG直接被送到她面前。   事實上7個月前她的丈夫普拉西 (Prash) 6個月前才在同一個比賽贏得價值12萬英鎊 (約590萬台幣) 的紅

May 22, 2016

超幸運夫妻!拉席米 (Lakshmi Thurairatnum) 因為參加了Best of the Best (BOTB) 的超跑比賽,價值9.5萬英鎊 (約450萬台幣) 黑色的賓士GLE63-S AMG直接被送到她面前。

STIAN_SUPERCAR WINNERS_IMAGE001 A WIFE won a £95,000 Mercedes in a supercar competition…just seven months after her husband won a £125,000 McLaren in the same competition.  Lakshmi Thurairatnum took delivery of the gleaming black Mercedes GLE63-S AMG Coupe on Monday (May 16) this week after entering the Best of the Best (BOTB) supercar competition.  The recruitment director had entered the competition after husband Prash, a practice manager of a health centre, won a red McLaren 540C.  The couple, of Epsom, Surrey, also both scooped £10,000 in cash - which was hidden in the boot of the respective cars and free petrol for a whole year. Lakshmi Thurairatnum with Mercedes STIAN ALEXANDER 07528 679198


事實上7個月前她的丈夫普拉西 (Prash) 6個月前才在同一個比賽贏得價值12萬英鎊 (約590萬台幣) 的紅色麥拉倫540C。

STIAN_SUPERCAR WINNERS_IMAGE007 A WIFE won a £95,000 Mercedes in a supercar competition…just seven months after her husband won a £125,000 McLaren in the same competition.  Lakshmi Thurairatnum took delivery of the gleaming black Mercedes GLE63-S AMG Coupe on Monday (May 16) this week after entering the Best of the Best (BOTB) supercar competition.  The recruitment director had entered the competition after husband Prash, a practice manager of a health centre, won a red McLaren 540C.  The couple, of Epsom, Surrey, also both scooped £10,000 in cash - which was hidden in the boot of the respective cars and free petrol for a whole year. McLaren win STIAN ALEXANDER 07528 679198


這對在英國埃普索姆 (Epsom) 的夫妻同時也拿到了1萬英鎊 (約47萬台幣) 現金,加上免費加油一年的額外獎勵。

STIAN_SUPERCAR WINNERS_IMAGE003 A WIFE won a £95,000 Mercedes in a supercar competition…just seven months after her husband won a £125,000 McLaren in the same competition.  Lakshmi Thurairatnum took delivery of the gleaming black Mercedes GLE63-S AMG Coupe on Monday (May 16) this week after entering the Best of the Best (BOTB) supercar competition.  The recruitment director had entered the competition after husband Prash, a practice manager of a health centre, won a red McLaren 540C.  The couple, of Epsom, Surrey, also both scooped £10,000 in cash - which was hidden in the boot of the respective cars and free petrol for a whole year. Family with McLaren after hubbie Prash's win last October STIAN ALEXANDER 07528 679198



STIAN_SUPERCAR WINNERS_IMAGE004 A WIFE won a £95,000 Mercedes in a supercar competition…just seven months after her husband won a £125,000 McLaren in the same competition.  Lakshmi Thurairatnum took delivery of the gleaming black Mercedes GLE63-S AMG Coupe on Monday (May 16) this week after entering the Best of the Best (BOTB) supercar competition.  The recruitment director had entered the competition after husband Prash, a practice manager of a health centre, won a red McLaren 540C.  The couple, of Epsom, Surrey, also both scooped £10,000 in cash - which was hidden in the boot of the respective cars and free petrol for a whole year. Family with McLaren after hubbie Prash's win last October STIAN ALEXANDER 07528 679198



STIAN_SUPERCAR WINNERS_IMAGE006 A WIFE won a £95,000 Mercedes in a supercar competition…just seven months after her husband won a £125,000 McLaren in the same competition.  Lakshmi Thurairatnum took delivery of the gleaming black Mercedes GLE63-S AMG Coupe on Monday (May 16) this week after entering the Best of the Best (BOTB) supercar competition.  The recruitment director had entered the competition after husband Prash, a practice manager of a health centre, won a red McLaren 540C.  The couple, of Epsom, Surrey, also both scooped £10,000 in cash - which was hidden in the boot of the respective cars and free petrol for a whole year. McLaren STIAN ALEXANDER 07528 679198


BOTB的創辦人威爾 (Will Hindmarch) 則表示「這真是世界上最棒的工作,將驚喜帶給某個人,我們每次都在把帶著夢幻車子的鑰匙交給新的人。而這次更驚喜的是,他們竟然連續贏了2次這樣的獎勵,非常恭喜他們。」 

STIAN_SUPERCAR WINNERS_IMAGE002 A WIFE won a £95,000 Mercedes in a supercar competition…just seven months after her husband won a £125,000 McLaren in the same competition.  Lakshmi Thurairatnum took delivery of the gleaming black Mercedes GLE63-S AMG Coupe on Monday (May 16) this week after entering the Best of the Best (BOTB) supercar competition.  The recruitment director had entered the competition after husband Prash, a practice manager of a health centre, won a red McLaren 540C.  The couple, of Epsom, Surrey, also both scooped £10,000 in cash - which was hidden in the boot of the respective cars and free petrol for a whole year. Lakshmi Thurairatnum with Mercedes STIAN ALEXANDER 07528 679198



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加入粉絲團! 這個女人才剛剛贏得價值450萬的賓士跑車,但「一走進她家的車庫」才會發現他們贏得賓士根本就不算多有運氣!留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友