
1. 還記得在以前的年代,學生作弊的方法不外乎就是把答案寫在手心或手臂、寫在橡皮擦上、藏紙條…之類的。我們都知道作弊不好,但到了2016年,作弊的情形當然還是沒有消失,而且現在的學生們作弊的方法更高科技了!   Quora網站最近就公佈了一系列學生們的作弊方法

May 15, 2016

1. 還記得在以前的年代,學生作弊的方法不外乎就是把答案寫在手心或手臂、寫在橡皮擦上、藏紙條…之類的。我們都知道作弊不好,但到了2016年,作弊的情形當然還是沒有消失,而且現在的學生們作弊的方法更高科技了!

Invisible unless you're very, very close: one rebellious student determined to score highly wrote the answers to exam questions on the back of a calculator in pencil


2. 這個就更厲害了,紫外線筆!如果沒有用紫外線照射就完全看不到,但缺點是要照的時候可能會有點明顯。

Even harder to see: ultra-violet pens are perfect for writing secret messages, although you do need a torch to read them, which surely might see suspicion aroused   


3. 把紙條藏在筆身中的把戲也是歷久不衰。

More pen trickery, this time in the form of a hollowed out one, where notes can be secretly hidden 


4. 還有學生會利用有記憶功能的計算機先記住算式。

Calculator screens with memory functions have been employed to conceal answers


5. 把答案寫在拇指上的方法就比較傳統了。

The answer's on the tip of my...thumb: this student put minute algebraic answers on their nail


6. 還有學生會將寶特瓶的塑膠膜撕下來,將小抄寫在上面後再黏回去,之後透過巧妙的角度看小抄。

Mental hydration: Students have been known to write the answers on the inside of a water bottle label


7. 也有人自己印瓶身標籤的…

Very sneaky: Print your own revision notes! On a popular water bottle label!


8. 在這週泰國的Rangsit大學更有3,000名學生必須重作測驗,因為監考官抓到有人用超高科技的方式作弊。校長Arthit Ourairat將學生作弊的工具公布在網上,說明入學測驗因此而取消。

Arthit Ourairat, the rector of Rangsit University in Thailand revealed this week that some 3,000 students will have to re-sit exams after students were caught with Smart watches and Mission Impossible glasses


9. 共3名學生被抓到戴著裝有隱藏式攝影機的眼鏡,而攝影機會將考試題目錄下,目前未被抓到的「智囊團」看到後,就把答案傳到學生的智慧手錶!

Mission impossible? Not with these! But three students who tried to cheat using the hi-tech specs have been blacklisted by the university involved


這3名作弊學生共付了800,000泰國銖 (73萬台幣) 給幕後團體,裝備跟答案都由他們提供。

The offending timepieces - with a technological twist - that were confiscated this week 



Cheats never prosper: Now all 3,000 students at the university will face re-testing


10. 不過傳統的作弊方法也依然很多人愛用。

And a more simple route...scrawling on the inside of your wrist


11. 將小抄寫在橡皮擦上…

Answers on an eraser...that can be easily flipped over


12. 甚至是假裝受傷,把答案寫在繃帶內側。

Sneaky! One cunning exam sitter used a fake injury to conceal answers



Pressure: It seems there's no end to the lengths students will go to to try and get the highest marks without putting the work in



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加入粉絲團! 老師一直不知道為什麼壞學生的功課越來越好,直到抓到他們在使用比智慧手錶還強大的高科技!留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友